On the Hunt (Part 1)

"Ohh dang we got first kill, which team is it that got first kill" the commentor said who was excited.

"Ahh it's team terminator from U.S. damn two kill already. they nice coordinate and they set up a ambushed this two poor soul tsk tsk and now they are moving away from their spot."

They showed up in big screen the instant replay of the first kill.

"That sniper was have accuracy, he shoot the the enemy in the head and will you look at that the head was blown up with brain splatter. ew that's look dusgusting." commentor felt like to trow up

"hahaha I guess this also a.real life effect when the got blown up" commentor 2 laughed.

[back inside the game]

"capt we got the first skill."

"ohh nice, also means that other's still looking for item or they just camping."

"jood job snoopy. I'll buy you a bones later."

"ohh sure by the I feel like I want to eat your.bone.tho"

"tsk come get my ribs"

"nah nevermind that,"

while they are jogging they are making fun each other to get high moral and not have nervous them self.

"stop I heard some noice ahead" it was McCartney who's ahead of them. They stop and capt Morgan made a sign *low down and walk slowly*

"Boys lay low down and find a hidding spot or cover behind the trees," Capt Morgan tolled to his team. A soon they heard his the orders they followed up they hide, and lay down quietly. No one was making move except for peeping. when they saw 5 enemy's jogging toward their directions.

McCartney who's front line for scout cause he have good hearing in distance, He measure his distance and his enemy before they reach to his team location. When calculate the distance it's about around 40 or 50 yards from his possession he have no times to sit up timer bomb Instead he use land. He grab one of the landmines to his side of belt dangling each other also the time grenades. When the landmines was sit up, he jogged slowly and hide mehind the one thick trees.

[in the stadium]

"Ohh here it come the ambush I wonder if the enemy from Peru noticed the ambush" commentor 1 said with a doubt.

"ohh no no they haven't notice yet it look like this team haven't felt the present of team U.S. this will be the battle of is going the first wipe out teams."

"Will look at this in all people here are at stadium are all quit."

"hush it's getting started"


[Peru team]

"boss I felt like I saw someone"

"Nah it might be your imagination but just in, case slow down move slowly and look around. this might be U.S. team or Taiwan."

"hmm... Boss, I fell weird of this place, like someone's staring at us like we are their pray." said the man in behind of their grooup.

"Ahuh me too there is a strong killing intent around this place when we just in interred." commented the boss.

times passed by for short but they felt they been here in a minutes.


Everyone torn aroundwhere the sound came from, what tgey saw when they turn around one of their member had abd repression and said.

"Boss I'm sorry, I guess stepped a landmines hehehe" the person have bids of sweat on his face, the first thing boss think in his mind and he shouted loudly to let anyone knows.


but at the end of his sentence, they heard rain of sound of bullets.


bang! kacha! bang! kacha! (SFX: shotgun)

trrrrrrr! trrrrrrr!...



Squad from Peru meets there dooms of their first world wide tor. Squad from Peru's on panic as everyone's look for to hide cause they are in open fields like they gaving away free shoot out for squad U.S.

Snoopy killed Hagard

Venom killed Scammer

McCartney killed pretends_to_be_dead

Three players from Peru out the game and the rain of bullets still continue. Snoopy shoot Hagard from distance who steep on landmines, Venoms who use a shotguns kill scammer who was in panic and McCartney with his M16 killed pretends_to_be_dead if you look in close camera the body of pretends_to_be_dead like minsing meets because pf rain pf bullets from McCarthy.

When the Boss from Peru saw this events called not help but bit his lips until it bleeds even tho he was bleeding on his lips, he could not help that he was in pain because one his legs got caught up by landmine debris from the ground and hit to his one of his legs. Now he was cripple, also one his team shot by in kidney and the bleeding effect came to his screen view.






"Ohh dang what a perfect timing for ambush, it look the team Peru will be the first to be wipe out of this game."

"Yes, but team Peru have only 2 players left what are they gonna do now that they were cornered." said the commentor

"I guess nothing and take a look the captain from Peru look like his having hard to move and also his companion."

The camera start to zoom and when they saw. The commentors and the people in stadium felt pity for them, because of the injury and plas they don't have bandage to stop bleeding effect. What is more ironic is that both of clinching to their injury because of the pain,

the game realy is like a real life. ꒰๑•̥﹏•̥๑꒱


"Capt 2 player ledt from team peru and it look like they injured"

[capt. Morgan]

"nice, can you finish them off"


"I can but can't see their body or heads and look like they are on the ground behind of that little hill"

[Capt Morgan]

"Copy that just wait when they are moving"


"ai ai. captain"

Capt. Morgan made a hand signal to them.

(.・_・)/~~~ to _(꒪⌓꒪」∠)_

everyone nod their heads, and saw they start crawling toward the enemy.

"Everyone split up and surround them and snoop cover our back and ahead of us." asked the capt. Morgan

"copy that captain" said with his confidence and he start pointing his sniper gun the has scopes on it toward the enemy positions.

[Boss from Peru teams]

he rip of some of his clothes to stop the bleeding for 5 min after that it will continue bleeding if he don't find the bandage. He notice that the enemy from team U.S. stopped shooting and his instinct telling that danger is coming. He looked to his comrade who was tending his injury. He waive his to his one of survived player and made a simble of...

[ ( ゚д゚)つ to (`-´)b ? ]

He waive asked if he is okay

[ (`・ω・´)ゞ and then (シ;゚Д゚) ]

Means he is fine and also scared.

Then boss signal again, he pointed his two finger into his eyes then he waive his index finger toward were the enemy at. That means watch out for the enemy's closing. The player nod his to the captain.

As they preparing for any ambush from U.S. and the team U.S. are getting closer n closer at the edge of hill. One of the companion accidentally race his head to look for the enemy, but Snoopy didn't let the chance get away.


Snoopy killed Maximos

It was a headshot and his head blown away fallow by the skull bones and brains splattered.

The boss who was bussy looking for the enemy and it was to late look to his last comrade teams. When he heard a tud sounds, he got freak out and shivers. The team U.S. who already close at the edge heard the tud sound. They already know what they gonna do they stood up and rush to the last player.