
It's lunch break already. This is where students will eat their lunch boxes, or go to cafeteria and more. Since this is a prestigious high school, you might think something like "Oh! They're rich kids! Surely, their food is much greater than ours!"

I'm going to warn you here and now, saying things like that will just prove how low our class will be. In the first place, there's really not much difference here in a normal high school, so you can relax a little here.

I expected some bullying since I've got here but I encountered none. I guess this school is still in the normal standards.

After eating my lunch for only 8 minutes, I walked towards Ayano Katachi who only sits at the front.

"Ayano Katachi, I accept your offer."

"Oh, really!? I'm delighted! Then, let's go to the club, shall we?"

Ayano Katachi stood up, and walked outside of the class. I followed her. She walks at the left wing of the building, It seems the room is in this way. But while the two of us are walking, Ayano Katachi stopped and said something strange.

"Araragi, you're a first year student at Ahogane High School, right?"

You're a first year student too, you know? Why are you asking nonsensical question?

"Get to the point already."

"Okay, Araragi. You must know, you're a student of this school, right? That there's no such thing as an Idol Club!"

"Huh? Why are you going to invite me if there's no such..."

Now that you think about it, I didn't saw any Idol Club at the list of clubs you can join. Adding to that, Ayano Katachi is the only girl who showed up before me, and invited me!

Then, doesn't that mean...

"Yup! I'm still planning to build it from scratch, so good luck, mister manager!"

What the hell!!!


The muse of Class 1-A, Ayano Katachi. She has a long purple hair, a nice well honed body and toned legs. Her porcelain skin is so shiny, and there are times when her shining figure can be portrayed very accurately, because of the sun.

Like now, her shining figure could be naturally seen, when she's... here now kneeling and begging for me to not go.

"I quit! I don't have time for finding members! I thought that the club was already formed so I joined but this is out of my range!"

"Ehh!? But you already joined! You didn't even checked the club if It's fun or not! Isn't that the concept of Try-Outs!"

"In the first place, there's no club to check out! So your logic of Try-Outs will not work to me!"

Yup, you heard it right! She's here now, kneeling just to not let me go. Does she not have any pride? You're easily kneeling here, much less, this is the only time we talked to each other! Are you sure you're going to bow your head to someone like that?!

"Could you at least try it?"

Try it? Maybe It's really rude joining on this but suddenly leaving. I crouched down and said at Ayano Katachi.

"Okay, I'll help you find members. But only at this day, the two of us have until sunset to find members. If sunset already came and at least one member didn't come, then... I'm going to leave. Well, if before sunset at least one member came, then I'm going to stay, I promise."

I declared in front of Ayano Katachi. I may be a rude and rash person but I'm not a promise breaker. If I promise something, I'm going to fulfill it.

"Really!? You're going to stay if I found at least one member!?"

"Yeah, I'll help you with that."

Geez, what am I saying? 64% of this school is girls. There's no way she wouldn't find anyone who's interested. I should've raised the difficulty, but I already spouted it so there's no turning back.


Ayano Katachi have gone and asked almost all of her friends to at least try it out but as I thought, being an Idol is a real drag, if you don't have any interest on it.

I even helped her and posted some flyer at the billboard for students to see, but it seems It didn't worked. You need at least 2 members to form an Idol Group. If there's only one member, there's no point calling it a group.

It seems we did all we can do, but we didn't got any fruit to our effort. I only posted a poster, but It still counts as work, right?

In the end, the sunset finally came. The two of us are now at the rooftop, watching the sun as It goes down.

"I guess, being an Idol is not easy as I think. Sorry for dragging you to my weird idea."

"You already dragged me here, so there's no point whining."

"You're direct to the point."

Of course, I don't want nonsensical conversation. So I'd better go to the point than talk about blank conversation that doesn't make any sense.

"Araragi, Have you found your dream?"

"Yes, My dream is for my mother and myself to live in comfort. With no hassle for what we're going to eat tomorrow, or what we're going to wear. In short, a life where money is not a problem."

It's my dream since I'm still a child. I struggled this far just for this dream of mine to come true. I studied hard, worked hard and neglected other matters.

"I see, good for you. As for me, I don't know my dream. That's why I'm trying all sorts of things, maybe by trying some things. I can find my dream."

No matter how I look at it, she's crying. Maybe she didn't noticed it, or didn't cared for them and just let them flow to her red cheeks. Regardless, the violet haired beauty is now crying under the sunset