Negotiations With The Student Council President

I, Araragi Hideki, have agreed to be Ayano Katachi's Idol Group Manager. Idols that are singing and dancing in front of many people, making them happy. Of course, just to buy a merchandise, go to their concerts and actively support them, you need money, lots of lots of money.

The fans are willing to pay lots of money just to see their beloved Idols, quite the nice system, isn't it? That's why if Ayano Katachi and the others made it big, of course, I will have profit as well, for I am the manager.

But as of now, Ayano Katachi and the others are trying to find a place where they can practice and to achieve that, they need a club room! That's why right now, I'm standing at this big door.

I'm here to submit the club form, of course. For the group to have an establishment where they can practice at peace, this much is needed. All right! I opened the door and paid my respect to the student council president.

The student council president is now sitting at that chair, and his arms was at the table. The moment I opened the door and entered this room, there's no turning back. I've heard the student council is a very strict man. Meaning, mistakes is not allowed.

The president is scary! This guy has a blue organized hair and a glasses that pairs with it. A nice tidied uniform and closed tuxedo! Why am I getting cold feet now!? Mistakes are unforgivable, It's possible that I'll only get one chance!

This guy just stares at me intensely and waits for me to speak. Then, since he's already waiting, It's rude to not speak your intentions.

"President, I have a request."

"What is it?"

His voice is so damn deep! I feel like I'm talking to the last boss of a dungeon! Regardless, I continued to speak.

"I want you to approve our Idol Club!"


So fast! I didn't even stated anything other than that!

"Is that all? Then, you can leave."

"No, I won't leave. We still didn't had a normal negotiation!"

"Look, there's no negotiation here. Negotiation could only take place between two people who has the same interest in mind. Do you think that we share the same interest?"

That's true. Like with the saying, "There's no permanent friends, there's no permanent enemies. Only permanent interests."

Then, first, for a negotiation to take place, we need to share the same goal and interests. For a student council president like him, his interest should be... making this school known or popular, making this school a good place. That's it!

"You're right, we don't share the same goal. But you'll benefit from this. Negotiations could also take place if someone is proposing for a deal or alliance."


Nice! It seems I took the presidents interest! Adolf Hitler and Hirohito once had an alliance and they benefited each other from the war. Although, they lost, the fact still remains that they had an alliance because they can benefit from each other!

"Then, what could be my benefits for allowing your club to exist. Depending on your explanation, I could even give you special bonuses."

All right! This is it! This is the critical moment! The core of the negotiation!

"If our Idol group became popular, then that means this school will be popular too. Even if in some rare cases that this school didn't got popular, we will make sure to promote it. If we became famous, that will be an easy task. How about it?"

"Heh, Is that all you've got?"

What? Did I messed it up? The president spouted those words, and stood up from his seat. Slowly, he walked towards me.

"Your name?"

"Araragi Hideki."

"Then, my name is Satoshi Tetsuo. But I think you already know that."

Of course, you're popular at this school. Wait, popular? At that moment, I knew, I messed up!

"Have you realized it, Araragi? I don't care about things like popularity at all. That won't help the school even a bit, that's because... this school... is a prestigious school run by rich people. They offer great education, fine establishments! This school is already popular enough!"

Damn it! I'm not thinking straight! I offered popularity at this kind of school! Of course, It won't work! It's not on demand! It's like offering a cheap meat to a high class dog!

It's not enough! I need to do better than this! I reached my left hand to my left pocket and get my towel and wiped my face with it. What should I do? I messed up big time! Except, I could bring up an offer, he will reject us.

What am I thinking? This is not a normal school, you dimwit! This is a school ran by people who have mountains of money, normal means won't work on him! What can I do?

I can't thought of any offers. Can I let him take over the negotiation? For starters, I will ask him on his opinion.

"President, what do you think?"

This is a risky move, and I don't want to do this as much as possible. But if I let him to take over the negotiation, then... the negotiation will move forward.

If this drags too long, I will take too much of his time. The worst possible outcome is that the president will get annoyed with me and we won't get to a conclusion. Avoiding it for now, is better!

"Then, Are you familiar with the Parity Rights?"

"The Parity Rights?"