
"Now that you think about it, we're actually really lucky."

Stated by Ayano Katachi while doing some stretching to warm herself before practicing.

"Really? How come?"

Replied by Yumeko Arimoto, who's now supporting Nakano Urara doing some sit-ups. The girls are preparing for practice but before that, they're warming-up.

"Well, we've got this super wide room, and a 10% more budget than any other club. The student council president rejects club forms he thinks that will just be a nuisance. In the end, a club still uses the rooms of school. If they're wasting a precious room for a club that is not really necessary for the school, then It's only natural that It will be rejected."

Ayano Katachi's statement is right on the mark. The student council president is strict to approving clubs so that the rooms can only be used by a club that is necessary for himself or the school.

"I wonder what Araragi did to get the presidents approval?"

"Maybe he begged at the ground?"

All of the girls imagined Araragi groveling at the ground and begging for someone. When all of them imagined it, they burst out of laughter.

"There's no way! Araragi is like a huge ball of pride! There's no way he would do that!"

Ayano Katachi said while still holding her stomach out of laughter. When they finished laughing, they stood up and was about to practice. They're in a really good mood right now, after laughing at Araragi.

But they're still not even taking a step and the door suddenly opened from the outside. Speaking of the devil, Araragi Hideki came back from the lottery.


I'm worn out, but I still managed to walk towards here. I looked at the girls one by one and It seems they're about to practice. Well, we could struggle for a bit, but In the end, I can't see our group winning.

Even if we're still qualified at the competition, we'll got a low rank, and not even one would come. We'll be... buried alive without fighting back.

I walked towards to the nearest seat and took a seat there. I just released a sigh different from the usual. It's different because I'm depressed right now.

"Umm, how's the lottery? Well, If you're already tired to even answer, then we can wait..."

"You deserve to know, so I'll tell you."

I stood up from my seat while my hands are still touching the table I answered them seriously.

"At the Round 1, we're going to face... the Sunflowers."

The moment the words escaped my mouth, two of the girls seems to be shocked, that is Nakano Urara and Yumeko Arimoto. I don't know If they're popular but I do know that they're a veteran.

Nakano Urara just took a seat in front of me while holding her head. It seems she realized the seriousness of this situation. Yumeko Arimoto is searching her the internet to confirm what I said. But while doing that, she has a very worried expression.

I did said that this is just a league and there are still methods to make this group popular but... all of that methods... don't have any assurance that you'll actually be popular.

Meanwhile, this league will surely... no, will definitely make you popular once you've entered the Top 8. But I guess this is the end of the line, we should give up on this league and focus on making this group popular for the meantime.

Regardless, this room has a very heavy atmosphere. It's as if like a typhoon just passed here. Nakano Urara and Yumeko Arimoto is clearly devastated. We should cancel practice for the meantime and take a rest.

"Sunflowers!? So what!?"

Ayano Katachi suddenly spoke up and declared. Don't you know the gravity of the situation?

"Ayano, the Sunflowers is a very popular group. They're in the Top 5 last league. Their popularity was so high. It's not that high compared to a professional Idol but they're still a tough opponent."

Nakano Urara is right. Ayano Katachi, do you have an idea what's happening right now? We'll just get crushed! There's no way we can win this.

"I know about that! But still... If I give up now... I can't find it... I feel like If I give up now like I did in the past...nothing will change! Even If It's hard, I want us to struggle, writhe and find my dream! I want to see this... If we're going to fail, then that's It! But... I will not give up halfway!"

Those shouts of Ayano Katachi, echoes through the whole wide room. It's still ringing inside my head, the very words that she said.

"I know... It's not like I'm ignorant or anything. This industry is definitely difficult! It's not easy as I think! Not all of the things will work out that easily! But still... I want to know If this is what I want to do. If this is my dream!"

Ayano Katachi was searching for his dream. It's true, If you give up halfway, then you can't find out if this is the dream you're looking for, but...

"Ayano! You're right! We shouldn't give up halfway! We can still fight! Even If our chances of winning is slim, It's still not zero!"

Yumeko Arimoto jumped back from her seat and shaked Ayano Katachi's hand violently. It seems she was cheered up by Ayano Katachi's speech. But...

"Ayano, I have my own reasons for joining this group. I was about to give up but... we need to struggle or else, we wouldn't get what we want!"

Nakano Urara joined the two of them and the girls had a group hug. They're now determined to see this until the end, If they're going to fail or succeed. But...

"What about me?"

The three girls shifted their eyes to me when I said those words.

"I joined this group for money. If I think that we won't get any profit from this, then I won't waste any effort for something irrational like see this through the end! If we won't get any money, then all of this is... useless for me."