The Search Continues

Well, let's go to the next step! After posting the poster, I walked towards a certain club. Where are you going to ask if you want costume designing? Of course, a club where they focus on that field!

Naturally, the Art Club, The Dressmaking Club, The Drama Club and more! So we're going to negotiate again. My last negotiation kind of failed, so I have a bit of fear on this, but anyway, It didn't stopped me to go.

No one will occur if you just stand here, getting enveloped by fear. I've gone to the Art Club first. So the negotiation plan is something like this.

We'll borrow a member from their club and he will design some costumes. After that, we can promise to them that if we can make it big, we will promote their club. That way, they can have more members and get more popular.

The problem is... the one going to do the designing. All of the members might agree, but I don't think the one who's going to design will agree so easily. It's his or her precious time after all. There's gotta be more merit to him than the other members.

I can't just offer money, they're already rich. Whatever, I'm going to think about it when I'm already there.

I opened the door and saw a girl sitting on a chair while drawing on a canvas. She has a ponytail that makes her hair short, but I think It's probably long if she removes the ponytail.

She also has brown hair, similar to a coffee. Her skin is not as white as Ayano Katachi but, she has a fairly white skin too. Even though It's summer, she's still wearing tights? Normally, you would remove the tights if It's already summer, It's hot.

"Umm, is this the Art Club?"

Why is she alone here? Where is the other members? They're absent today, and this girl is the only one present?

But after I asked the question, she immediately covered her face with her canvas. What? Is she shy or just rude? Maybe just shy, I can't imagine being rude to someone you just met.

At that moment, the splitting image of Nakano Urara appeared on my mind but I just erased it.

"I will repeat my question, Is this the Art Club?"

"Umm... Yes?"

She's fidgeting, and she did answered my question but she's still covering her face. I would definitely say that "It's proper manners to look at someone if you're speaking". But I'm not dense. Even I could tell that she's just too shy to show her face.

With that, I'm the one who took the initiative to approach her. But as walk closer to her, I noticed that she's moving farther away from me. What? I tried to walk faster, but she became faster too. What's with her?

In this situation, I'm very suspicious, aren't I? I may be a rude and rash person but I'm not an assaulter, so please stop that! I tried to stop walking and she stopped walking too.

What the hell? No choice about it, I'm to negotiate here. I can't see her face and she's a little far away, but I'll still voice my intentions.

"Umm, you're a member of the Art Club, right? Then, I have a favor to ask you."

She revealed her face a little by removing the canvas. Her eyes sparkly brown eyes was shown, but the rest is still covered.

"I'm actually the manager of the Idol Club. Due to some circumstances, we can't hire a costume designer. So we actually like you to design some costumes for us. Of course, you'll have merits as well."

I wore a really good smile and I said it very nicely. I think I nailed this one! Now, I have to prepare for her reply. Now, give it to me!

I waited for minutes, but a reply didn't come. Is it just me or am I hearing a cricket sound here? Hello, I'm still waiting for the reply, don't left me hanging please.

She just stood there, covering her face with the canvas. I waited for another 5 minutes and she finally begun to move. Here it goes!

She approached me very slowly. I don't know if she's just being too cautious or just too shy but regardless, she's still approaching me!

"Umm, sorry! I... I... refuse your offer. I don't have enough free time. I'm really sorry."

She voiced out her reply with a really mild voice. Since she's already nearby, I heard it clearly. So It's a refusal, huh? Normally, I would try to convince her even further but... It already took her so much courage just to let out those few words. I don't want to torment her any longer.

I smiled at her and said:

"Well, that's fine. You have the right to refuse. I'm sorry for scaring you like that."


I turned away from her, and walked towards the door to leave the room.

"Umm, you're not going to convince me more?"

I turned my head towards her and heard that question. Maybe since I'm trying to find a costume designer, It's not really normal to just give up like that. Normally, I would really convince her but I still have mercy. I don't want to make her repeat her words when It took her so much effort just to refuse me. So It's better to give up now.

"Of course not. You already refused."

"That's not what I meant! I mean... I mean... you're not going to force... me?"

Is she expecting me to force her?

"I wouldn't force you. Like I said, you still have the right to refuse."

That should be okay now. All right, time to go to the next club.


Huh? Did someone just said wait?

"Wait... a minute....please."

Whatever. It's so mild that I didn't heard it. Maybe It's meant for another person.

"Please, wait!"

Out of instinct, I turned my head towards the direction of the voice. Of course, It's from the girl who refused me just now.