The Correct Way Of Idol Managing

While at the rooftop, I can't help but release a heavy sigh. There's so many people came and we actually won, but... It's so frustrating!

I didn't even got a cent! I won the battle but lost the war, huh? Now that I think about it, no one would come to the stadium if there was a fee. At least, we won.

But still... but still... but still... there's so many people there! I'm so stupid!

"What are you doing there? Everyone is already celebrating for our victory! You should join in as well!"

Out of nowhere, Ayano Katachi have come here to the rooftop. You know, there are times that I actually wish that I have your positivity.

"We won, but I didn't got any profit. It's making my heart sad."

Not just my heart, I feel like I want to sleep this whole night.

"No, you have profit! You have my 7,000 yen, right?"

"It's just a condition if we lose, we won so you don't have to do that."

Well, deep inside, I actually want that 7,000 yen to at least have a profit. But... my pride won't allow me to. Ayano Katachi walked towards me and said:

"You know, Araragi, I really felt frustrated earlier. I'm so frustrated that I want to cry and shout. I mean, If the rain didn't poured, then the audience wouldn't come at all."

That's right. It's not like they've come to the stadium for you. They just want to take shelter from the rain but... It's enough to win.

"But still... I want the people to come and watch us! Because they want to watch us, not for sheltering from the rain!"

We won but lost the war. If the rain didn't poured, then... all of this wouldn't happened at all. I called all of this my plan, but I didn't really do anything except for praying for the rain to pour.

Not only that, I was naive to think that as long as they will enter the stadium, everything works. Since we're not professional, we can do whatever the hell we want but... is that really the right mindset?

I figured that we should make it slow and develop our skills, since we're still not professionals, but is that the correct way of Idol managing?


I'm just a kid who knows nothing about the real world. Just a kid. What could a kid do to fight a bunch of adults? Nothing.

He will just get overwhelmed by the adult's overwhelming influence. But I want money, but is this really the correct way to get money?

Sure, I'm just a minor so the jobs I could take is limited and the potential salary for managing an Idol Club is quite huge too.

If we're relying on the rain just to win, then... this group is just a joke.

My ultimate plan to defeat the Sunflowers?! I just relied to the rain and didn't do anything at all! I made myself looked badass when I just prayed for a miracle to come!

Really, what a joke. This is not the Correct Way Of Idol Managing. If we continue this, we will not move forward!

"Ayano Katachi, do you know The Correct Way Of Idol Managing?"

"Huh? The correct way of Idol Managing?"


"Is there even a correct way of Idol Managing?"

Ayano Katachi looked at me with curiosity. I don't know if such a thing exists, but... if on the off chance, that It actually exists, I want to know it.

Ayano Katachi approached me and suddenly flicked my forehead! What's with that!? It hurts, you know!

"Silly! There's no way something like that exists! If something like that exists, then all of the manager's in the world should be big shots right now!"

Your the idiot here! I didn't said "The Definite Way Of Idol Managing"! I said "The Correct Way Of Idol Managing"!

This is such a headache!

"You should do whatever you think is right! Like I said, a correct way of Idol Managing doesn't exist so... why don't you make one for yourself?"

Make one for myself? Behind her, the piercing sunlight finally rose. I spent the whole night at the rooftop. I can't help but smile to her statement. It's too optimistic!

"What are you saying? A while ago, you said that something like that doesn't exist, but now you're saying that I should make one? Really, It's too stupid. But still... thanks."

She just smiled at me after I said those words. Although, he statement doesn't make any sense, I felt like a thorn have been removed from my chest.

Maybe this is the true charm of Ayano Katachi? I always thought that she's pretty useless despite being the leader but... I think... her positivity and cheerfulness has some use from time to time.

"Ayano Katachi, I'm going to manage the Idol group by my own way! I'm not going to budge even if all of you doesn't agree with my terms!"

"Sure! You're the manager! You can do all of that!"

With that, this first match ended with a complete luck on our side. The goddess of victory smiled upon us, but the goddess of wealth didn't.

But still... this is just the beginning! The beginning of our journey... to the Idol Industry!

"Now that I think about it, Araragi, why are you always calling me with my full name?"

Way to break the mood, man!