Small Talk I

Azhar's presence let the builders fixate on something they believed was strong, and so they calmed down a little. Their tense and panicked movements went a little more slack, though their eyes still glanced back to the nearly sleeping wyrm every so often as they tiptoed away. 

"This is covered by some kind of warranty, right?" called out Li as he pointed to the hole in the cottage and the destroyed greenhouse. "Legitimate accident and all."

The builders stopped. "Ehrm, well, sir, I do not believe-"

The wyrm in Li's arms perked up, its head crawling over his shoulder to glare at the builders. Its mouth opened, its teeth glistening in the sun as a guttural hiss began to rumble from the depths of its throat. 

"Looks like the kid's rearin' to eat somethin'," commented Azhar, his voice nonchalant and observant. 

The builders stared at Azhar, taking in his words.