
Li crossed his arms, contemplating. He thought of what it meant to be to be have a follower. How it would affect him. What it meant for Azhar. But he quickly realized he simply had no idea about any of this. He only knew the magic of Eldenia in so far as it related to his game knowledge of Elden World. Ultimately, there were so very many things were lost in a transition from the rigidity of code and programming to the chaotic perplexities of real life that it was hard to tell what game knowledge applied here and what did not. 

"Tell me, what exactly do you want out of this?" said Li.

Azhar thought about if for a short second. "Huh, I figured that was gonna' be up to you, considerin' you're the spirit and all. But figure if I had to give an answer, then I'd say somethin' that'd give me strength?"