
Li narrowed his eyes as he watched Meld step to the front of the square. Sylvie was standing next to him with bated breath. She had come down from the barrels to rush to Jeanne when the hero had changed the speech, but Li had convinced Sylvie to stop. Sylvie would have never made it to the square in time anyway.

But what made Li wary was this new hero. He had only caught glimpses of her when the duchess had come to Riviera beforehand, so he had no clear idea of what she was like. She, however, manifested seemingly out of nowhere on the stage, escaping even Li's attention.

Granted, Li had not cranked up his senses as he did not think himself in a combat related situation, but even so, it was truly odd how Meld had simply just appeared like that. Sylvie had mentioned before that Meld could easily sneak up on her despite Sylvie herself being an accomplished assassin, so Li figured that Meld had a superpower related to stealth. 

"Good Rivierans!" called out Meld.