
Li acted quickly afterwards in getting his new followers settled in. He had already planned on what they had needed. They needed to resettle back to their lands, have their barren fields restored, their farmhouses rebuilt, and equipment and livestock rebought or repaired. Not to mention he had to settle the beastwomen down as well as he could. 

All of that could not take place in one day, but Li could at least lay down the foundations of what was to be. It also kept his mind off of what had happened before, how his divine mindset had creeped up on him, how even now, he felt so restricted, so uncomfortable in his human clothing. 

Thus, Li spent much of the day going around the circumference of the city's walls where all the uncared fields lay. He had Ivo take him to each field and reintroduce their owners back to them while Li used his abilities to rejuvenate the life within them.