Royal Talk II

"C-come in!" said Lord Lys as he waved Li wildly forwards. Li obliged, and as he sat on the cushioned chair opposite to the duo, the hero slid the carriage door closed.

"And how have you been doing? It has been a while since we have last met," said Li to Lord Lys. But though his words were targeted to the lord, his eyes scanned the hero.

A younger man who could not have been more than twenty. Around Jeanne's age, perhaps. On the shorter side, though not overly so. Narrow face with roguish features that made him look that much younger, that much more mischievous. His bodysuit spoke of a different theme from that of Sunstar or Thunderstrike's. 

Where their bodysuits clung around bodies of immense musculature and power, this man's suit was a pale, nondescript, almost gentle blue like that of the sky, and his build was slight, athletic but quite skinny.