Festivities II

Outside, Li sat on a mound of upraised earth covered by grass. It was nearby the celebration and high enough that it gave him a decent vantage point to see what was going on. Beside him sat Old Thane and the entirety of Triple Threat.

Tia and Zagan lay down behind them. Li had convinced the demon to come by even if he did not understand the concept of festivities. Underneath them, the Myrmeke played with Tia, occasionally making patches of grassy dirt shake for Tia to pounce on in a kind of game of whack a mole. 

"It's good!" said Jeanne as she put down her empty bowl of stew. 

"Can't say it ain't bad, though it's makin' me miss Aine's cookin' that much more," said Azhar as he also put an empty bowl beside him.