Orcs I

Li stood behind the adventurers. They were hidden behind the line of trees behind the creek that formed a natural smokescreen of sorts. The creek gurgled down below, needing a good five meter drop down to reach. 

Li took note of the positioning of the adventurers, and found no complaints. Launcelot and Vahid were positioned several meters away from each other at the very front, each leading a group of bronze warriors that were meant to intercept any orcs that managed to scale up to their position from the creek. 

Right behind them, the mages and rangers were in position, ready to rain down projectiles and damage. 

Everybody was silent, a certain tenseness lying heavy in the air. Launcelot had his shield drawn up already while his free hand was balled up into a fist, showcasing his spiked gauntlets. Vahid's greatsword was drawn and held in front of him like a barricade, ready more to shove orcs down back to the creek rather than to cut and cleave.