
Li and the party traveled quickly through the Darkbeast infested territory. 

Li simply trudged his way forwards, taking up a brisk pace with his hands behind his back, like he was an old man going out on a casual stroll. Launcelot and his party members kept up behind him, but they were still high-strung, highly uncomfortable with going at a pace faster than a slow walk because of how deeply the fear of Darkbeast infested territory had been ingrained into them.

"As I said before," said Li as he opened his eyes wide and cast [Focused Moonbeam] through them, shooting out twin beams of pale, ghostly white that flashed forwards and crashed into the torso of a sizable Darkbeast several meters ahead, utterly torching it into an uniform pile of ash before it was even recognizable what amalgamation of beast parts it was. 

"Have faith in a god's strength."