Battle Plans II

"Then it is settled. We shall waste away the night in talk of the fight!" said Old Thane as he slapped his knee in hearty excitement.

Li shrugged. "I guess I was going to talk about this with Zagan anyway. So, anything we should know about? How do the demons fight? How have they fought in the past. I am afraid that though I have read about the wars, the texts are very romanticized."

"I fought in the north," said Old Thane. "Moved me way down through Therandra and Aula, fighting demons with the beastmen, club tribes, elves, and, of course, Aine."

"That is right, I remember," said Li. He remembered that Therandra was the land of the beastmen and Aula was the land of the elves before the Republic officially consolidated its power. "You've told me plenty of stories of what you've done and who you fought. But still, it would be good to rehash what you've experienced. With less exaggeration, of course."