The Beginning

Li watched as the brothers huffed and puffed their way forward until they stopped in front of him, hands on their knees from exerting themselves.

"Looks like you two need to work on your strength," said Li. "You know, you can still back out of this commitment now." 

Immediately in response to Li's doubts, the brothers stood up straight, stiffening their muscles and making themselves as composed as possible.

"We have never been more ready, seer!" said Mason.

Mercer, the younger brother, pulled out a new set of daggers from his side. They were actually quite nice, their blades curved and honed to a fine edge with black stones embedded in the hilt. A magical weapon. "We've even secured ourselves legendary weapons capable of fending off any darkness."

Mason unsheathed his own new longsword, and it too was magical in nature, the broad blade inscribed with gold patterns that mimicked the wavy flicker of fire.