
Li could not help but smile. In the months that they had bonded together, she had taken in his power directly from their soulbound link, and it showed. He could see himself through her. In the flowers and vines entwined around her wings. In her deer-like antlers. In the shadows flickering between her darker scales.

It made her all the more aware that she was indeed his daughter. Perhaps not by blood, but the one he chose and the one he decided to bear the responsibility of raising nonetheless. Seeing how his care had quite literally manifested on her, he could not help but feel proud, proud that she had grown so healthy, strong, and happy. 

And also surprisingly, he did not realize how strong she had become. Now that her power lay fully bare before him, he could tell she had accelerated in strength far beyond his expectations. He estimated she was nearly level 70 where the Oculon was 60, if that, but even then, this fight could not be decided so easily.