
Li thought about this for a second. If the strange hybrid of dragon and oculon that they had just fought was easily nearing level seventy, then it stood to reason that the master of it was even stronger. Though perhaps that was not true as well, considering that the undead haze had so strongly empowered the former drake.

In any case, from what he had seen in this world, Li knew there were precious few entities beyond level fifty, let alone beyond seventy. In all likelihood, this dragon master was going to be the primal spirit that presumably resided within the Triforge mountain.

An entity single-handedly responsible for bringing an entire race of dwarves to ruin, killing so many that even now, undead haze oozed from the mountain, fueled eternally by the agonized souls of a whole people.

But Li did not worry. For at the end of the day, he was absolutely confident that no threat was beyond his means.