Three Leaves: Rocky Road II

"Those are the conditions?" Sylvie glanced up at the molten orb blotting out the moon. She pointed to it. "Then I can see an immediate problem. Perhaps you should have told me about these conditions before I crafted our battle plans with you as a crucial part of it."

"Well, I cannot reveal the secrets of the Moon Reaver too easily," said Zal with a shrug. 

Sylvie sighed, wondering how Zal and Rudaba managed to become one of five platinum ranked adventuring teams in Soleil. Well, she could figure. The Moon Reaver was immensely powerful, even when it was not fully activated, and Zal's skill as a warrior swordsman was undeniable, nor could Rudaba's mastery of healing be scoffed at. 

But these two never really seemed to think their steps through, always going about believing fate would set the best path for them. That happy go lucky attitude did irk Sylvie, but she kept her annoyance to a minimum as she thought of the task at hand.