
Li failed to see the point the old man was making. "Okay then, so this adventurer lady is quite special in that she had the power to shape history. But that alone does not tell me what exactly she has to do with this place. I am not questioning the usefulness of your knowledge, old man, just trying to understand it better."

"Ah, lad, I would be hard pressed to explain it to ye," said Old Thane. "It is just a feeling. There is no mention of Lira that holds not some great significance somewhere. I should imagine it so here, but I've no evidence to give ye, no claims forged solid under peer discourse and experimentation as the Arcanists do." 

"I see." Li could parse what the old man was trying to say. This adventurer, this Lira, was so renowned, so special, that any tales about her had to have had some kind of merit to them. Something important. Thus, that there were stories of her passing into this area for her final adventure would surely mean something.