
Li realized immediately the damage he did to Lira had stuck with her. The cracks in her armor from his prior few blows remained there, and though it was minor damage, it did give him clues as to how to approach this fight. 

"Not like your kind?" scoffed Lira. "No, your kind are true to their nature. They seek chaos and ruin. The end of all things. Abominations that have no concept of goodness or love or all that makes this world and all those like it so blessed."

She poised the spear end of the Prometheas torch towards Li, and even though the torch flame was now out, she did not falter, believing fully in her abilities. "And it is my responsibility that every single one of your ilk should fall, regardless of whether the Guiding Flame can judge you."

"The Guiding Flame of the Prometheas does massive bonus damage to eldritch entities, yes," said Li.