
Li blinked as he found himself back in the world. He was kneeling down, his wooden fingers curled over the [Thousand Eye Band] at his arm. The exact same position he was before he had entered into Sho-Gath's dimensional prison.

Except that the Old One had done as Li had initially bid, loosing his anti-magic smog all around the area. The smoke was darker than the night and flashes of red shaped in brief visages of eyes dotted its body. 

"You win this time, destroyer," said Lira. Li saw her on one knee a few meters away, her glowing red body standing out amidst the thick, living smoke. Her massive magical aura was completely gone now, eaten away by the darkness around her. The smoke seemed to curl into her being, little gaseous wisps from every direction flowing into her and slowly breaking her magically constructed body apart.