Liravalennan, the Shining Star III

"You...why have you returned after turning your back to the will of Val?"

Lira shrugged.

She sat atop the head of the high dragon Valerikynthimos, or the White Queen of the Elements as she was called among the mortals that worshipped her.

The high dragon's enormous, serpentine body sprawled out atop cratered and smoking earth, marking out a shining white line amid the blackened rock.

Her body was riddled with bleeding scars and the six pink frills comprising her elementally charged mane were dull, drooping down with quiet, pitiful crackles of once roaring lightning. 

"Wanted to meet the old man again. Call it homesickness," said Lira as she looked up, towards the last stretch of Torr Valeris that stood right at the cusp of the void between the world's skies and the infinite starry expanse of space.