History Lesson I

"Me? A living legend?" A hint of a blush colored Lira's cheeks, and she shyly turned her head to the side, a long lock of gold and fire streaked hair falling perfectly by her rainbow eye. "My, I do not know about that. I merely did what I thought was right."

"Well, certainly, you did many things right," said Mercer, the younger of the two adventuring brothers ever eager to cozy up to beings that happened to be beautiful. "Your looks alone I would gander that the bards and songstresses would have sung of until their throats ran raw."

Lira laughed. The amused type of laugh that sounded like an adult laughing at a child's antics. "It has been almost two hundred years since I have had a compliment come my way. I thank you for livening up my watch. But-," She raised her left hand, showing the emerald-jade ring on her finger. "Widow though I may be, I am still committed."

"Oh," said Mercer.