Dialogue II

  Mercer cocked his head as he narrowed his eyes, his demeanor gaining a certain cold edge to it that made his older brother alert.

"Beyond ourselves? Brother, what exactly are you accusing me of?" asked Mercer. 

"Do not mind my words. That was simply a minor point. A bit of lecturing come to surface," said Mason. "What I truly wish to talk about is the value of the Light and what it means, what it-,"

"I care nothing for the Light," said Mercer. "And speaking of it only wastes time."

"Because you take all the good the Light has done for granted," began Mason, but Mercer cut him off again.

"Taken it for granted?" Mercer's voice rose as he almost lashed out. When he spoke again, his tone quieter, but there was still something there, something that made it clear that emotion and hurt bubbled right under the words he formed.