Seeker's Parting I

"The river is gone?" Li perked up. He stared at Lira for answers. "What exactly do you mean by that?"

Lira answered with a simple shrug. "I cannot say. I know that these eyes of mine that can see the flow of fate only work in worlds where there is life a plenty. Elsewhere, such as in the void of stars, I see nothing."

"So what are you suggesting?" Li narrowed his eyes. "That somehow I am responsible for ending all life on this world? Ending this world, even?"

"That is what I initially thought," said Lira. "Seeing that was one of the primary reasons I did not trust you and attacked you. I hope you will understand me a bit better." 

She left out the fact that she had attacked Li largely also because of what he was in respect of his decision to conceal his true nature from those around him. 

"I can understand," said Li. "But what I do not understand is what your vision about me means."

"I would not think too much about it," said Lira.