
France, Capital Paris 

Morgana looked into those blue eyes as bright as the moon in the sky, stunned. She was always rejected and excluded from everything and everyone because something bad always happens to those close to her.

She doesn't know how many have died just from being around her. Because everyone rejected her, Morgana had no choice but to live on the street and eat garbage to quench her hunger and thirst.

Morgana often saw the look of disgust and fear in people as they approached her, those purple eyes that she hates was one of the reasons that everyone felt curious and approached her, but soon after those people would mysteriously die.

"If you hold this hand, bear in mind that you will be my accomplice for life. I will make a revolution that will shake this whole world, the walls of the city will be stained with the blood of good and bad people. The streets will be filled with people worshipping and hating me. You agree to be my accomplice in this bloodbath." Hearing the child's cold, arrogant words in front of her, Morgana feels from the bottom of her heart if she misses this opportunity she will regret her whole life.

Morgana took a deep breath and slowly raised her muddy hand and finally after hesitating for a moment firmly shook Alexander's hand.

The moment the two hands touched each other, two bright drops of blood came out of Alexander's hand and Morgana's hand.

The two bright drops of blood floated in the air as they slowly merged into one. After the two drops of blood were fused into one, a silver container appeared around the drop of blood floating in the air.

After it was all over, a silver sphere with an arc around it appeared in place of the drops of blood. In the middle of this little silvery planet with a ring around it, there was a small ball of light as if it were the core of the planet shining softly.

We are now accomplices for all eternity, My Lady." Alexander spoke up, the little silver planet and kept it in his pants pocket. He was planning to make a beautiful jewel for himself with it.

Alexander knows that making a blood pact with a complete stranger and a foolish and idiotic act, but he simply could not resist the temptation of those beautiful purple eyes looking at him with such despair and loneliness.

"Come on, we have to find a hotel that will accept payment for a child," Alexander spoke as he turned to leave the alley full of dirt and garbage. Morgana seeing the boy's back hesitated for a moment and got up from the dirty, muddy ground and followed the boy with weak, light steps.

In the lighted streets of Paris, everyone looked at the pair of strange people walking next to each other. Was a beautiful child emanating an elegant and noble aura while the other was an extremely thin girl with long black hair covered with dirt? The girl had her clothes torn in some places showing some pieces of yellowish and dry skin as if she was sick.

Basically, the two were from two different worlds, but they walked next to each other as if they treated each other as equals.

Alexander was used to everyone's looks and Morgana had already gotten used to people's disgusted looks so the two just walked in silence to a five-star hotel.

Alexander entered the hotel followed by Morgana who bowed his head in shame at the luxurious appearance of the hotel.

"A room for two, please, miss," Alexander spoke to the receptionist, arriving at the hotel's check-in desk.

He was not in the mood to play as a child so he used simple hypnosis magic on the woman who arranged the presidential suite for him and handed over the key to the room showing a professional smile.

Arriving at the presidential suite, the first thing Alexander did was to pull Morgana into the bathroom and throw her into the bath while turning on the warm water.

He took off the rags she called clothes and started throwing water on her while wearing a shampoo in their hair.

As for alexander seeing Morgana's whole body naked, he's not interested in a skinny sack, at least not now.

For an entire hour, Alexander gave a complete bath in Morgana that finally looked like a real person.

After the bath, Alexander threw a white towel over her body and came out of the bathroom to order women's clothes and for room service to bring food.

Ten minutes later, everything was ready and room service arrived with women's clothes and a metallic cart full of fruit and vegetables, along with a large piece of meat for a certain purple-eyed lady.

"Get dressed, then eat and before you sleep make all these bottles, they contain a liquid that will help you recover within a day," Alexander spoke to the extremely thin girl wrapped in a white towel and then began to eat the fruits and vegetables calmly and elegantly.

After Alexander finished eating, he didn't care about anything else and fell flat on his face in bed and slept the same moment. 

While Alexander slept peacefully in bed, Morgana's tears flowed down her cheek from every piece of food she put in her mouth.

She can't even remember the last time she ate such delicious and complete food. Wiping the tears from her face, Morgana ate some more and left the food aside, because she knows that if she eats too much she will have a bad time.

After eating, Morgana looked at the two glass jars containing liquids of different colors on the table and did not hesitate and drank them both at once.

After she finished drinking the contents of the glass jars, she looked at the bed and started walking slowly towards it.

Hesitating a little Morgana finally climbed on the bed and lay down beside Alexander while looking at him with her big purple eyes.

Seeing Alexander's beautiful face sleeping peacefully, Morgana discovered that the boy who had pulled her out of hell was as beautiful as those Prince of the fairy tale that saves the princess.

"He has very long blond lashes, his skin is so good it looks like cotton. He has a pleasant scent of flowers." Morgana thought by looking, touching and smelling Alexander's face unconsciously at her, hugged his whole little body and closed her eyes to sleep one of her happiest nights.