Chapter 1: Clean Hands

"Have you finished your task, Zero?"

I turn on the light. It doesn't help much, the room is dark.

"Yes ma'am."

She pats my head,

"Good girl, now go wash yourself off. Dinner will be ready soon."

I walk out of the windowless room and up the stairs and into my room. I lock my door behind me and start to undress.

I look at myself in the bathroom mirror,

'Look at you. You were to messy today Zero. Next time, make sure they're not facing you when you shoot.'

I turn the water on and let it hit my skin. I look at all the blood running down the drain.

"Too messy Zero, too messy." I say to myself.


"Ah, how nice of you to finally join us, Zero." Three says in her usual sarcastic tone.

"Nice to see you too Three."

I take my place at the table and we all grab hands.

"Please bow your heads and close your eyes."

We do as we're told,

"Dear Lord, thank you for the meal we are about to receive. Amen."

I look at the plate in front of me.

"So, Zero, how'd your mission go today?" Three ask in a snarky tone.

"You know I don't discuss my missions."

I poke at my food, not wanting to be rude, I take a bite.

'Nothing. I taste nothing as usual.'

"Damn this!" Three slams her palms on the table and stands up.

"I'm tired of you acting like you're hot shit Zero! I hate being your fucking shadow! I hate you!"

I place my fork down and look her in the eye,

"You hate me so much, then kill me."

Her eyes twitch,


She jumps on the table and pulls out her blade, ready to attack.

I look over at mother who doesn't seem bother at all.

"Mother, shall I condone this behavior?"

She shrugs,

"If you accept her offer, you may not change your mind." She continues eating.

"Very well, Three, you may-"

Her blade cuts my cheek.

"Shove it. I'll fucking kill you! I'll kill you dead!"

I grab my fork and stab her in her neck.


She gags and her body falls to the floor.

"I apologize for the disturbance everyone."

I tuck my hair behind my ear and head towards my room.

"Zero, she was no threat to you anyway. You earned your name, just like everyone else in this room."

I look around at the others who are still eating.

"You are dismissed."

I lie on my back and look up at my ceiling.

'I wish I could've helped you Three. It was never my in my interest to kill you.'

I close my eyes are drift off to sleep.