Chapter 8: A Kiss

'Where am I and what's going on?'

I look up and see a familiar face.


She looks down at me with a worried face,

"Hey, are you feeling any better?"

My vision is a little blurry but I can still see that her beautiful face is covered in blood, her chest too.

"It's not mine."

She caught me starting.

"Did you really kill all those guys that fast?"

She nods,

"Though I wish they would've been better. After I killed that man with the mask on, I got quite bored."

I look at her in complete shock.

"Bored?! How, you where outnumbered five to one?"

She shrugs,

"I've been in worse situations, now try to rest We'll get you some help soon."


When I finally come too, I see that i'm in Selena's underground hospital.

"Hey, you're up. How do you feel?"

"I've been better."

"It's nice to see that you're feeling better now."

She gets up and walks to the bathroom,

"Um, you stay here. I'm gonna go wash this blood off of me."

I nod and she slowly closes the door. I forgot about all the blood spattered across her body, or the fact that she was in spandex and a bra.

"Damn, she really is dangerous. I'm intrigued."


"Hey man, we're gonna have to use this room."

I sit up,

"What? this house is ginormous. You can't use another one?"

"We don't make the rules man, we just follow them. I'm sure you can room with Zero."

He wriggles his eyebrows at me.

"Fine, but what do you need it for?"

"We gotta move yeyo up here now. Someone's been holding out on us."

"Ah, I understand."

I leave the room and walk to her door. I hesitate to knock on her door, but before I get the chance to, the door swings open.

"Oh, hey Ricky."

I stare at how well she fills out her clothes.

"Did you need something?"

"Oh yeah, uh, some of the guys need to use my room and I kinda don't have anywhere to stay and I wondering if I could..."

"Of course. This rooms huge and of i'm being completely honest, it's a little bit lonely in here."

She opens the door wider and I step inside. The room is so clean. Everything has been put in a certain place except for a katana.

"That's yours?"

She pulls it out of its case.

"This was the first weapon I leaned to wield, then there's gun slinging and hand to hand combat."

'Wow, she's a little scary.'

I sit down on her bed and click on her tv,

"Anything you wanna watch?"

She's look at me in amazement,

"How did you do that? I've been trying to turn this thing on for days now!"

She lays on the bed next to me on her stomach. I hand her the remote and she starts to flip though them.

"You know Ricky, I think you're growing on me."

"Ha, likewise babe."

The way she's laid out in the bed makes her panties visible. I try not to stare but I can't help it, her ass looks so good.

"Hey uh Ricky,"

She turns her head around to look at me,

"Why do you keep looking at me like that? Is there something wrong?"

My ears turn red with embarrassment,

"N-no, i'm sorry."

She sits up,

"For what?"

"I uh, I was kinda checking you out."

She giggles,

"It's fine, I can go put some pants on if you're uncomfortable."

"Oh no! It's not like that, I actually quite enjoy the view."

She laughs again.

"Wow, I mean i've been trained to seduce men to kill, but this,"

She wipes a tear from her eye,

"This is hilarious."

Her laugh turns into a full blown chuckle. She holds her sides and and takes deep breaths.

"I-I don't get it. What's so funny?"

She suddenly stops laughing and her face gets serious.

"You were for real? I thought you were just teasing me."

Her comment makes me upset, so I push her down and pin her to the bed. She tries to break free but I tighten my grip.

"Does it look like i'm joking now?"

Her cheeks turn red,

"R-Ricky, let go."

"You're a trained assassin, make me."

She tries to break free but I don't budge.

"I can't. Y-your too strong."

"So little Ms. Zero can't get up huh?"

Her face turns even more red and she bites her lip.

"Damnit Zero, I can't wait anymore."

I kiss her soft lips and run my hands down her thigh. I separate her legs with my knees and put my hand on her panties.

"R-Ricky, stop."

I move off of her and walk towards the door.

"Shit Zero, i'm so fucking sorry. I-I didn't mean to hurt you. I'll go sleep downstairs on the couch."

"Wait, Ricky!"

I slam the door and run down the stairs.

"What the hell is wrong with me?! All of a sudden I can't keep my dick in my pants?!"

I punch the wall.

"Shit mane, what's the matter with you?"

Carlos comes from the kitchen with a beer in his hand.

"Nothing. I'm going to the gym, and keep an eye on Zero. I don't wanna see her."

"You got it hombre."


Beads of sweat roll down my face.

"Damn man, why you so pissed?"

"Doesn't matter."

I punch the sand bag harder.

"Aye man, you wanna maybe ease up a bit?"

I hit it even harder and it burst open. The sand spills out of the hole I made.

"Damnit, Ricky! That's gonna cost me hundreds."

I grab my pants and pull out my wallet and throw him $700.

"Stop bitching,"

He happily picks up the money off the floor.

"And clean this shit up."