Chapter 12: Obey

"Damn, she really just shot him cold blood?"

I nod,

"She didn't even blink man."

"I can't really say i'm surprised about though, she is the highest ranking assassin on this continent."

"Mhm, I guess."

Carlos and I finish cleaning up the room as two more of our members get rid of the body.


"Yo Negative, you in there?"

There's no response.

"Ok, i'm coming in."

I open the bathroom door and see that she's passed out.


I pull her head onto my lap.


My breathing eases up,

"What the hell happened to you?"

She rubs her head,

"I was too messy again..."

She sits up,

"Too messy? What does that mean?"

She gets up,

"If i'm messy, i'll be punished."

Her hands are shaking.

"How about you take a nap, that sound good?"


Her face is pale and she can barely walk. I pick her up and lay her on the bed.

"I'll go fix you something to eat."

She pulls on my arm,

"Ricky, don't leave me."

"I won't,"

I sit down on the bed and she lays her head in my chest,

"I'm right here."

I've never seen her so weak before. She strong, and hard-headed, and she gets what she wants. Seeing her like this, just doesn't feel right.

I play with her soft curly hair until she finally goes to sleep.

I carefully get out of bed and walk downstairs for a beer.

"Rough day?"

"Rough is an understatement."

I chug the can.

"Something's wrong with her."

"With who? Negative?"

I nod,

"Yeah man, i'm not sure what exactly, but something's not right up here."

I tap my head.

"Well nah dip. I mean you can't expect her to be normal."

I scrunch my brows,


He joins me at the counter.

"Think about it mane, for starters, she doesn't have a name but a number, actually not even that. Her name is Negative! Then she had no childhood. She was trained to be a weapon, i'm sure she didn't go to school, or have friends, or-"

"Ok, ok! Damn, I get it. But still, I feel like..."

"Like you should help her huh?"

I finish my drink.

"I guess."


We both look at the staircase.

"Well speak of the devil, hey Negative."

"Hey Carlos."

She walks over to me,

"Can I borrow you for a second?"

She wraps her arms around my neck and rest her chin on my shoulder.

"Uh yeah, what's up?"

"I uh, I need some help."

"Help? You?"

"I know, I know, but I really do."

I get up and follow her upstairs. When we get to the room, she shuts the door.

"So, what did you need?"

"I think I know who's actually behind this whole thing."


"You know, the missing product, the stolen information and money, all of it."

I grab her shoulders,

"Do you know how serious this is?"

"Of course I do, that's why i'm telling you and no one else."

"O-ok. Tell me everything."


"Well shit, i'm convinced."

She folds her arms,

"I just feel so stupid that I didn't realize it earlier on."


I walk over to her and hug her.

"Woah, what's this for?"

"For being my way outta here."

She hugs me back,

"I should be thanking you."

I pick her up and look down at her lips, then at her.

"Ricky, what are you-"

"I want you, right now."

She blushes,

"So take me, Ricardo."


"You know, I don't think the name 'Negative' suites you."

I play with her hair.

"That's because it's not a name. It's my rank."

"What would you want me to call you?"

She sits up,

"Is everything-"

She covers my mouth with her hand.

"Shh, she might be listening."

She hops out of bed and rummages around until she finds her old collar. She breaks it in half and then stomps on it.

"What the-"

She holds her hand up,

"You hear that?"

I shake my head,

"Hear what?"

She opens her drawer and looks around,

"Found it."

She takes out a small flashing object then smashes it with her hand.

"That fucking bitch,"

She burst out laughing.

"She tried to bug me."

She holds her sides and starts laughing harder.

"Unless, she wanted me to find it!"

I get out of bed and pull her arm.

"Yo, you gotta relax. You'll stress yourself right back into the hospital."

She clams down,

"You're right,"

She holds her arms up,

"Are you serious?"

She holds them up higher,


I pick her up and she puts her arms around me, her legs snake around my waist and she kisses on my neck.

"You know, I think i'll call you Kazmaria."

"Oh Ricky, that's a beautiful name."

I put my hand under her under her legs.

"How'd you come up with that?"

I nuzzle my head in her hair,

"I don't. I just like the way it sounds and I think it fits you well."

She looks up,

"Really? Well I don't know if I would be comfortable having that name."

"Nonsense, it's unique and beautiful, like you."

I sit down on the bed and she still clings to me.

"Can we stay like this for a little while longer Ricky?"

"For sure."

I hold her close to me and I feel as if I can finally breath.

'You are god sent Kaz. God sent.'