Chapter 23: Lets Party

[Present Day]

"Kaz, just open the damn door!"

Ricky pounds on the bathroom door.

"Don't yell at me! Send Carlos in here, please?"

"What?! Of all people why him?!"


I hear loud footsteps and then a knock on the door,


I crack the door open and pull him inside.

"Dayum Kaz, what the hell-"

I cover his mouth.

'Stop. Talking.'

I mouth to him.

"Hey, what's going on in there?"

Ricky hits the door,

"You two are too damn quite."

"Ok you see this right here?"

Carlos nods.

"I need you to pull it out, with these."

"Oh shit, that looks like it would hurt."


"Damnit Ricky, chill, i'm not gonna try anything with your girl!"

He rolls his eyes at the door and turns his attention back to me.

"Alright lady, hand em' over."

I pass him the tweezers and prop my leg up in the bathroom sink.

He carefully hovers over the bullet hole.

"Carlos , i'll be fine. I just need you to pull that thing out."

He sighs,

"Ok then."

He puts the tweezers in my open wound and starts to feel around.

It hurts like hell but i'll live. Possibly.

"How are you taking this, Kaz? Doesn't it hurt?"

"Yeah, but i've survived worse."

There's a thud outside the door.

"Ricky? You good?"


"I got it!"

He pulls out the bullet and drops it in my hand.

"Can you walk?"

He pulls my arm around his neck,

"Thanks but all I need now is stitches, then i'll be good as new."

He opens the door for me and we see Ricky laying on the floor.

"What the hell are you doing down there?"

He rubs his head,

"Don't know. Think I might've passed out."

He looks at my bleeding leg,


He pushes Carlos out the way and picks me up.

"What the fuck happened while you were out?!"


"How's that?"

He fluffs my pillow.

"Ricky, i'm fine,"

I make room on the bed,

"Please come sit with me?"

He sighs,

"Will you answer my questions?"

"Yes. I promise."

He slowly walks over to me and sits down beside me.

"Ok, my first question is, where the hell did you go?"

I look down.

"I might have went and found the guy who shot you..."

"What?! Why'd you do that?!"


"You could've died Kaz!"


His face is red, he's pissed.

"I knew what I was doing. You can't keep underestimating me. I was made for this kinda thing."

I grab his hand,

"I'm sorry I scared you like that. Anymore questions?"

He pulls me into his chest,

"Just one more."

I turn around and look at him.

"Have you ever had sex before?"

A wave of panic hits me,

"What? N-no, i've never done anything like that!"

He laughs,

"Good, i'll change that real soon, but for right now, let's get some sleep. Tomorrow's the party."

'Today's events made me completely forget about that...wait, did he just say what I think he did?!'

"You think you can still do it with that hurt leg?"

I snuggle my face on his chest,

"I could do this with one leg, i'll be fine."

"But you remember that we've changed the original plan, right?"

"Yes Ricky,"

I lay him down and cuddle up with him.

"Sing me to sleep?"

He plays with my hair and starts to sing.

'I've missed hearing him sing, hell, i've missed him.'


Morning comes and I notice that i'm the only one awake.

Ricky is holding me against his warm chest. As much as i'd like to stay here with him, I have a mission to complete.

"Ricky, wake up."

I softly tap his arm.

"Mhm, good morning, beautiful."

He stretches out his arms and rolls out of bed.

"I've arranged everything for today, so don't worry about an outfit."

He walks over to the bathroom and pulls out his toothbrush.

"Lina says to meet her at her boutique."

"She has a boutique?"

"She owns her own chain of em. I'll tell Carlos to take you there."

"Why him? Are you not coming too?"


He spits in the sink,

"They know my face. Carlos'll take you as his date. No one knows you."

He reaches for the mouthwash.

"So what, you'll just wait for us to finish?"

He gargles for a bit and then spits,

"I'll be watching you guys from a camera van. I'll let him explain later but as of right now I need you to put some pants on."

I look down at my bare legs and blush.

'I hadn't realized that I didn't have any on!'

I look around the room and grab a pair of shorts.

"I must say, you have an amazing body, Kaz. Most ladies would pay to look like that."

I blush,

"Don't say things like that!"

He walks over to me,

"Why? Does it get you off?"

He smirks at me.

"N-no, it's just very inappropriate."

"Right, right,"

He puts his hands on my waist,

"Go grab a bite to eat, you've got a long day to start."

I place my hand over his and look him in the face.

"You keep looking at me like that and i'll have to throw you over my lap and spank you."

I bite down on my lip,

"I can handle a little pain."

He goes to kiss me but there's a knock on the door.

"Aye Kaz, Lina está aquí para vestirte!"

(Aye Kaz, Lina is here to dress you!)

"Ok, tell her i'm coming!"

"I'm gonna make you scream that."

Ricky whispers in my ear.

I gasp,

"Not like that, you perv!"

I slide my shoes on and head for the door. Before I make it out of the room he playfully hits my butt.

"I'll see ya later."

"Hm, guess so."

He watches as I walk down the hallway and get onto the elevator. He waves one last time and the doors close.

I mumble to myself,

"No more fun and games; it's time to work."