Chapter 25: Take Off

'These past few months have nothing but hectic,'

I look out the window at the passing streetlights.

'When will I see them again? What will I say to them? Will they be upset?'

I sigh.

"Hey, you okay Kaz?"

I keep staring out the window,

"Yeah, just thinking."

"Oh, about what?"

I look Carlos in the face,

"About how i'm going to tell these kids that the only person who cared for them is dead and how she used them as pawns."

"...oh shit. Sorry I asked."

He awkwardly turns back around.

"Nosotras estamos aqui."

(We are here.)

Miguel pulls into the driveway. My impatience doesn't let me sit still. I hop out of the car before it comes to a complete stop and hurry up the stairs.

I pull off my high heels and run to the elevator and slap the second floor button. As soon as the doors open I hurry off to my room and lay down on my bed.


I scream into my pillow.

'What's wrong with me?'

The door creaks open,

"Aye Kaz, you good babe?"

It's Ricky.

He walks towards me and sits on the bed.

"You wanna talk about it?"


He pats my back and I sit up.

"Ricky, undress me."

His face blushes,

"What? You wanna do it now? Shiittt, ok!"

"Not what I meant. I just can't reach the zipper on the back."

"Oh...I knew that."

He moves closer and slowly unzips my dress. I sit up and pull it off of me.

"I'm taking a shower."

I toss the dress on the bed and head near the bathroom but he grabs my arm.

"You remember what I told you Kaz?"

A chill runs through my body,

"No. Tell me again."

He yanks me and fall into his arms. His grip on my waist is tight. I can feel his breath on my neck and smell his expensive cologne.

"I said that i'd be the one to make you a woman."

I shudder,

"R-Ricky, you shouldn't say things like that. I-it's inappr-"

He crashes his lips onto mine.

My body feels tingly as his tongue explores my mouth. I pull away to catch my breath.

He looks at me with such an intense stare,

"You better go take that shower because if you stay any longer, i'm gonna make you work up a sweat."

My legs feel heavy,

"What are you doing to me Ricky?"

He grins,

"Nothing yet, but if you want me to I can do a lot more than kiss you."

He pulls me into the bathroom and locks the door.

He sits me down on the sink and stands in between my legs. He takes his hand and caresses my breast,

"Mhm Kazmaria. I love the way you taste."

He moves his hand lower and puts it on my inner thigh.

"R-Ricky, we shouldn't."

He licks my neck and I moan a little.

"Alright, I guess you're right,"

He opens the door,

"We should wait a little longer, that way it'll be better when we finally do it."

The door closes and i'm still sitting on the sink. I cover my face in embarrassment.

"Why do you have such an effect on me Ricardo Hernandez?"


"Kaz, hey Kazzie."

I wake up and see Ricky standing over me.

"Mhmm, it's morning already?"

He nods,

"Yup, now hurry up and throw some clothes on. Our flight leaves in an hour."

I sit up,

"You were serious?!"

He snickers,

"Yeah and you might wanna fix that."

He points to my hair. I look over in the mirror and see that I have total bed head.

"I can be ready in thirty. Go wait downstairs or something."

She crosses his arms,

"Are you kicking me out? What if I wanted to stay and help you get dressed?"

"I'm pretty sure I can manage to put some clothes on by myself."

"If you say so,"

He grabs his suitcase and leaves the room. I'm left alone sitting on the bed, starring at my reflection.

"How could anyone be attracted to this, I look like i've been electrocuted."

I close the blinds to get rid of the sunlight that's causing my head to pound. I stumbled over to the bathroom and do my daily routine.

Brush my teeth, goggle, wash my face, and do my hair.

"The hell am I supposed to do with this shit?"

I ask myself while trying to detangle my curls.

After I get my hair situated, I pull on some shorts and a hoodie.

I don't know why, but today I feel awful. By the time I get downstairs, Ricky has already loaded the trunk and is waiting by the door.

"Ah, you're finally ready."

He holds out his hand for me to take.

"Shall we leave?"

I grab his hand and we walk to the car. He opens the door for me and then gets in.

I open the glove box and see a gun and a pair of shades. I take the shades and put them on with my arms crossed over my chest.

"So, you nervous about getting on a plane again? I know the last time you were on one you didn't like the idea of being so high above ground."

"I don't care."

He looks over at me, then back at the road.

"What's wrong time with you?"

I clench my jaw,


He pulls into what looks like an abandoned warehouse and parks the car beside a huge jet.

"Kaz, you wanna tell me what's wrong before we get on this plane, or do I have to force it outta you?"

I take off the shades and throw them in the backseat,


I open the door and walk to the back of the car to open the trunk. Ricky comes up behind me and pulls my hair.


I bite my lip.

"That wasn't an option hun. But since you wanna be difficult, i'll choose for you."

He covers my mouth but I don't struggle

"Esteban, ven a cargar el avión por mí. tengo que hacer algo."

(Esteban, come load the plane for me. I have to do something.)

He pulls me up the stairs and onto the plane.

"Hope you're ready for this Kaz."

'I hope so too.'