Chapter 27: Home Sweet Hell

His lips, his tongue, his touch, his scent, his everything.

My first time with Ricky was in a sense, magical.

The things he did to me, the things he made me feel, and dear lord, the things he said.

My body tingles with pleasure just thinking about it.

"Goddamn woman, that was well worth the wait."

He grabs me on my arm and pulls me close.


I cuddle up next to him and look at his chest. I've seen his tattoos before but never this close. I run my finger along his warm chest, tracing the large tribal tattoo that covers half of his body.

"Why'd you get em'?

He plays in my hair,

"They're a reminder of what I did. Of how I came to be head of all this."

"So, they're like trophies?"

"In a way,"

I roll over on top of him,

"Why? Do you want one?"


"Oh? Why not?"

I think for a moment,

"Because I don't feel accomplished, like you."

"What makes you say that? You're honestly the scariest person I know."

I give him a sad smile,

"I have to go back Ricky."

He sits up,

"Go back? To that shitty place?! You were trapped there your entire life and you want to go back?!"

I rub his arm in an attempt to calm him.

"I won't stay, I just have to let the others know what happened."

"But why? Why risk going back?"

"Because they deserve to know the truth! We may not have been blood but we treated each other like we were..."

My eyes start to burn and my hand is trembling,

"They were my only family."

My voice is shaky and my eyes overflow with tears.

"Shit, i'm sorry Kaz."

He cups my face with his large hand,

"When should we leave then?"

He wipes my tears with his knuckle,

"As soon as I get back."


My heart is pounding in my chest. I feel as if it's going to leap out of my chest.

'It's just a doorbell. Just a few people.'

"Kaz, don't force yourself-"

"I'm not. I'll be fine."

I press the doorbell and wait for someone to answer.

The door slowly creaks open and One peeps her head out,

"Negative? Is that really you?!"

She steps completely out from behind the door.

"What are you doing here?!"

She excitedly hugs me. I hesitate at first but I hug her back.

"And who's this?"

She smirks.

"This is Ricky,"

He shakes her hand.

"Pleasure to meet you."

"Hm, likewise,"

She turns her attention back to me,

"Well, you wanna tell me why you're here?"

"It's about mother, er, the lady in white."

The joy she once had from seeing me had left her face. Her eyes are cold and expressionless.

She pulls me into the house and slams the door.

"Listen up pretty boy, I need to talk with her in private, so make yourself useful and leave!"

She yells though the door.

"Uh, Kaz, are you good?!"

"I'm fine, just wait in the car, i'll be finished here soon!"


"Our old room huh?"

She nods,

"Well we are back together again. Tea?"

"No thank you."

"You know what Negative, I think I can guess why you're here."

She sips her tea.

"Oh, can you now?"

"I can try; you came here to inform the others and I that mother had been killed and that she only took us in to cover up the fact that she was head of some kinda illegal drug kingdom. Sound about right?"

"H-how'd you know exactly what I was gonna say?"

She gets up and walks behind me,

"Because I helped her."


She laughs,

"She loved you Negative, you were her absolute favorite person, until you left on your little mission. She knew it would be risky but she trusted you,"

She pulls my chair closer to hers,

"You let them change you, you left them chance your name! All for what? A man?!"

I clench my fist,

"I didn't change One, I just learned the truth before she could do to me what she did to you. I wanna help One,"

I reach out for her hand,

"Please, let me help you, all of you."

She slaps my hand away.

"We don't need your fucking help. They know what she did, but they don't care! They never did, we knew something would happen to her. She was a bitch who had lots of enemies, it was honestly great timing."

"What do you mean 'great timing'?"

"She thought she was playing me, but I was the one playing her."

"One, I hope that on day you change your mind, you were my best friend and my sister. I'll leave for now but know this, you make any shady moves, and i'll personally hunt you down."

She smiles a crazed smile,

"But of course Negative, or should I say Kaz."

"You have no right to call me that. It's Negative to you."

I stand up and walk towards the door and down to the parlor.


She yells at me as I leave the house but I pay her no attention. I walk up to the car and hurry in.

"How'd it go?"

I look over at Ricky, his sweet face calms my nerves,

"A fucking mess."

He flashes me an adorable smirk,

"Whadda say we go home and watch tv on the couch?"

"Ugh, that sounds amazing."


"Do we have anymore of those glazed thingies?"

"Pft, do you mean the glazed croissants?"

"Oh yes!"

"Ouu, that sounds familiar."

I blush at his suggestive comment.

"Just go get me another one!"

I throw a couch pillow at him.

"Ok, ok, iré a buscar más de tu maldita comida."

(Ok, ok, i'll go find more of your damn food)

He brings me back an arm full of chips, drinks, candy, and most importantly, the glazed croissants!

"You angel!"

He puts all the food down on the couch and sits beside me.

"Ni siquiera cerca."

(Not even close.)

I rip open a bag of chips,

"Pero tu eres mi angel."

(Buy you are my angel.)

"Oh? What makes you say that?"

He chugs a beer.

I push the pile of junk food on the floor and crawl next to him,

"Because if you're an angel, that makes me a devil."

He grins,

"Es así, señorita ¿Diablo?"

(It's like that, miss Devil?)

"Supongo que sí, solo tendrás que mostrarme lo que significa comportarse."

(I guess so, you just have to show me what it means to behave.)

He licks his lips and looks at me with a hunger in his eyes,

"Damn, I love it when you talk to me in Spanish."

"Así que follame papi."

(So fuck me daddy.)

Without a second thought, he pulls me on top of him and kisses me.

He pulls my shirt off and lays me on my back.

"You look so beautiful when you're hot and bothered."

"You keep this up and i'll show you what hot and bothered really looks like."

He puts his leg between mine, separating them slightly but just enough to get down there.

"Hey Kaz! You think you can teach me how to use a sword?!"

"Carlos is coming downstairs!"

Ricky takes off his shirt and puts it on me. He moves to the other side of the couch and acts as of nothing happened.


Carlos looks at us,

"Did I interrupt something?"

I try to catch my breath,

"N-no, so uh, what did you need?"

He looks at me, then over at Ricky,

"You know what, i'll come back later."