Chapter 30: Nowhere

I've always loved looking out the window. I like to imagine that everyone that passes us is in a rush to get home to a loved one.

Or maybe they have to make it to an important business meeting. I like to think that someone needs them to be there. They're needed and loved, something I can't quite relate to.

I look over at Ricky. He griping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turn white.

"Do you wanna talk now?"



"Ricky please, it's been a least eight hours now and I know you're tired. Pull over and let me drive."

He keeps his eyes on the road.

"No, I'm fine."

His body language says otherwise. I sink down in my seat.


I continue to look out the car window.

The little clock on the radio reads 3:27 a.m.

'How long does he plan on driving and where the hell are we?'

"Well if you want to drive this long I might as well stay up with you."

His eye twitches a little,


He quickly glances at me,

"Pass me that water bottle."

I look in the cup holder and grab the water. I go to twist the top off but something's off, it has a strange smell.

"Uh, are you sure this is water?"

"Why wouldn't it be?"

I smell it again,

"Yeah, there's no way i'm letting you drink this."

I roll down my window and try to pour it out.


I look at him, his eyes are dead and his face is showing no kind of emotion at all.

"Roll it back up."

I do as i'm told.

"Good girl. Now drink it."


"I said, drink it."

He doesn't yell at me but I wish he had. That way i'd know that he still has some kind of feelings. But he didn't, he commanded me to do it, like I was a dog.

My hand shakes as I put bring the bottle to my lips.

"Drink all of it."

I chug the liquid down. It burns my throat and makes my eyes water.

When I finish I toss the bottle on the floor of the car.

"That's a good girl. Now just sit back and let it kick in."

"Let what kick in?"

My head is spinning,


I can't finish my sentence. Whatever was in that bottle had already taken effect on me.


'Ah, my head is killing me.'

I look around and see that i'm in a bed.

"What the..."

I cautiously get out of the small bed. I seem to be in some kind of wooden cabin.

The small bag I had packed is sitting nearby on a desk and my sword placed beside it.

A small window of light coming from under the door grabs my attention. I make my way towards the opposite side of the room and open the door.

"So i'm right. This is a cabin."

A wave of comfort washes over me as I take in the smell of wood.

The front door swings open and Ricky walks in.

"Well well, look who's up."

He walks towards me and reaches for my arm but I flinch.

"Where are we and w-what did you make me drink?"

His eyes are soft,

"Why'd you flinch like that? Are you scared?"

He takes one step forward and I take one back,

"N-no, can you just tell me what's going on?"

'Am I afraid of him? Is this fear? If so, why do I enjoy it?"

"I had to get out of the mansion,"

He sits on the couch,

"That call was used to track your location. I suspect the girl you talked to the other day wants you out of the picture because she's planning something."

I continue to keep my distance,

"So this is some kind of safe house?"


He looks over at me,

"Kaz, please. Can you come here?"

I can hear the desperation in his voice.

I walk to where he's sitting and stand in front of him. I feel so small under his gaze.

"My baby,"

He pulls my arm and I fall into his lap,

"Please forgive me. I know I was wrong but it was only to keep you safe, I swear."

His arms snake around my waist.


A chill runs down my spine as I say his name,

"I've never been scared before but you..."

"I scared you?"

He lets me go and stands up.

"I...scared you."

He laughs an insane laugh. Somehow mixed with disbelief and pain.


I grab his shirt.

"I made you feel unsafe. I caused the worlds most dangerous weapon to feel like she wasn't safe."

"Why does it matter? I'm fine now,and besides, it doesn't matter."

He steps closer,

"I should tell you that i'm a bit of a sadist."


I blush a little,

"Well, uh, do you think you can show me around a bit? I'd love to go outside."

He scratches my head,

"Uh, I don't know..."

"Oh fuck this."

I storm off and go back to the room where I woke up. I grab my sword off the dresser, march back to him and fold my arms.


"Pft, or what?! You'll kill me? Face it Kaz. i'm all you got."

"Ricky you dumb shit. I don't want to hurt you, I just want to train a little. There's nothing to do here."


He face turns bright red but he covers it with his hands,

"The back yard is huge. Knock yourself out."

He walks off embarrassed.

'Is this man really older than me because I swear he acts like he's 3.'

I kick my socks off as soon as I step outside. I breathe in the smell of pine wood and dirt.

"Take in your surroundings,"

'Deep breath...'

"Find your center,"

I put a blindfold on and let my other scenes take control.

"See your target with your ears, feel them with your sword, and kill them with one strike."

I swing.

I let my instincts take over. I silence my thoughts and let my body do whatever feels right.

I gasp,

"Ricky, move."

I pull off the blindfold and see that my blade is hovering right over his neck.

"Wow, i'm surprised you stopped in time."

I stand down,

"Why...why did you stand in front of my sword like that? You knew I was blindfolded."

"I've never seen this before,"

He runs his finger across the end of my blade causing it to bleed.

"Hey, what the hell? Why'd you do that?!"

I grab his hand and examine his finger. It's a small cut but it's bleeding too much.

I rip off a piece of fabric from my shirt and wrap his finger.

He takes his unharmed hand and grabs my chin.

"I don't deserve you Kaz. I never did."

He lets his hand fall back to his side.

"W-what? Ricky what's going on you?"

'This isn't my Ricky...where is he?'