Chapter 34: Blue Flower

"Mhm, it's so beautiful out today."

I breathe in the fresh air.

"Yeah, you sure you wanna wait out here though? We're still kinda on look out."

I nod,

"I'll be fine. I'm just sitting on the porch."

"But still, it's dangerous to be out in the middle of the day with everything going on, and if anything happens to you, well shit."

"Calm down, look he's right there,"

I motion towards the tinted suv pulling into the driveway,

"Great, tell him I said hey."

He wanders back into the giant house.

I rush over to the car and tap on the glass,

"Well hello gorgeous."

A big dumb grin appears on my face,

"Hey Ricky."

He opens the door and scoops me up into his arms.

"You ready to head out?"

I hug him back,

"Yeah, let's go."

We get into the car and head off.

"So, were are we going?"

He starts the car and pulls off,

"It's a secret."

"Aw, please Ricky?"

I pout my lips.

"Nope, not gonna work on me."

He stares at the road refusing to look at me.

'Fine, I guess i'll have to do it the hard way.'

I put my hand on his leg and slowly move it higher.

"Kaz...don't. Please."

"Don't what?"

He grips the steering wheel harder,

"I'm serious. Kaz, please don't."

I unbutton his pants,

"Kaz, we have to be there on time...please."

"Ricky, pull over."

He stops on the side of the road.

"Get over here. Now."

I crawl over to the drivers side of car and sit on his lap. I let the seat back and move closer to him,

"I missed you Ricardo,"

I kiss on his neck while his hands find their way under my shirt,

"Mhm, i'm here now."

I put my hand down his pants.

"Ah shit, Kaz...I don't know what's gotten into you, but I love it."


His breathing gets heavier,

"You're what's gotten into me."

I lick his neck,

"Now shut up and let me taste you."


"Well look who finally decided to show up!"

Lina yells at us as we get out of the car.

"Lina, I am so sorry."

I fix my shirt.

"Yeah yeah, just c'mon!"

She grabs my hand and pulls me inside her boutique.

"Go to the dressing room in the back, that's where we have our more expensive dresses."

One of her workers rush me to the back before I can even respond.


"Yeah, right?"

The woman who pulled me back here smiles at me. She has long brown hair and a nice smile. She's beautiful.

"I'm Jay, i'll be working with Lina to help dress you today."

"Do you know what the occasion is?"

"Unfortunately I can't tell you, but I promise that you'll look gorgeous."

Lina slams the door open,

"Alright let's make you look like a queen!"

She claps excitedly.

"Ok so I think that we should put her in that pretty royal blue."

"Ouu, and let her wear those pretty silver high heels."

"It's like you're inside my brain!"

They squeal and then look at me.


"Oh nothing,"

Lina smirks,

"I just have to measure your bust."

My face practically glows red,


She pulls out a tape measure,

"Bring me the boobies!"

I back away until my back hits a wall.

"L-lets just think about this Lina..."

"Jay, hold her down."

"Ah! Wait, please!"

Jay holds my hands above my head as Lina pulls my shirt up. The tape measure feel cold against my bare chest.

"Holy hell Kaz,"

She looks up at me with disbelief plastered on her face,

"Your boobs are giant!"

"Lina shhh, don't say that so loud!"

She scoffs,

"Why not? No one else is here but Ricky and i'm sure he's already noticed."

She looks over at Jay who has a strange look on her face.

"Jay, show her to her room."

"Yes ma'am."

Jay lets my arms down and leads me to my own private fitting room.

"Um, wait here for Lina. She'll bring in the dress for tonight and help you put it on."

"Right, ok."

She leaves the room and I sit in the bench.

"What the hell's going on? I feel like everyone is losing their minds!"

I say to myself quietly.

"Knock knock,"

Lina walks in with a dark blue dress in her hands. It has diamonds running along the sides and a slit that goes pretty far up.

"Whoa, that's for me?"

"Yup, now take off all your clothes lady."

I hesitantly take off my clothes and step into the dress.

"You're gonna have to take this off."

She snaps my bra.

"Really? I have to."

"I mean you could wear it and defeat the whole purpose of the back."

She shrugs,

"Ok, geez, i'll take the damn thing off."

I do as she says and let her zip me up.

"Dayum girl, you look hot!"

She opens the door and shows me to a mirror.

The dress really is gorgeous. The color really compliments my brown skin.

"Now the shoes!!"

Jay walks in with a pair of silver lace up heels.

"Um Lina, i'm not sure if I can even walk in those."

"Pft, whatever! They're cute and i'll help you walk in them."

Jay bends down to put them on for me.

"Oh, thank you."

"No problem."

A few hours had passed. Lina did my hair and Jay gave me different necklaces to choose from. This is strange, I feel like it's too much.

"And done!"

She steps back and looks me up and down,

"You know, if I wasn't straight, i'd definitely bang you."

"Pft, thanks?"

"Doesn't she look beautiful Jay?"

"Hm, yup."


Lina grabs my hand and takes me to the front of the store.

"Your prince awaits."

Ricky is waiting for me. He has on a black tuxedo with a blue rose neatly tucked into his pocket square.

"Shall we go my love?"

He holds out his hand for me to take,

"Um, I guess so."