Chapter 43: Vete a la mierda

"¿Y estas jodidamente seria?"

(And you're fucking serious?)


I hectically run my hands through my hair,

"Ella dice que son reales y le creo."

(She says they are real and I believe her.)

"Hombre, ¿sabes lo genial que es esa mierda?"

(Man, do you know how cool that shit is?)

Carlos excitedly paces around the foyer,

"No según ella, Carlos. Ella dice que esa mierda la jodió!"

(Not according to her, Carlos. She says that shit fucked her up!)

I slam my hands down on the counter. A cup falls off and shatters as it hits the floor.

"Oye, relájate. Sabes que todavía está dormida."

(Hey, relax. You know she's still asleep.)

"Shit. I'm sorry, no he estado bien últimamente."

(I haven't been well lately.)

"That's because you worry too much. About Kaz, about work, shit, you even worry about what the hell you're gonna wear!"

"Okay okay, I get it. But still,"

I take a long drag on my cigarette.

"I don't like seeing her panic like that. I'm worried about her ése."

He slides the ashtray to me and I put it out.

"She can't sleep, she'll barely eat and she refuses to let it effect her work. It's like killing is her only joy."

I let my head fall and hit the table,

"What do I do?"

"Me parece que tienes miedo hombre."

(I think you're afraid man.)

"Me? Afraid? Of what?"

"Of her."

"Are you fucking crazy mane?! Why would I be scared of her?"

I chuckle at his ridiculous comment.

" were serious?"

"Yeah bro, and if ya ask me, it makes perfect sense too. You like having a woman who could kill you at any given moment by your side. I don't know why, but just the idea of that somehow interest you."


"Nope, don't do that."

"Whadda ya mean?"

"Don't act like i'm wrong."

"Ugh, why are you able to read me so easily? She does the same thing!"

*Phone rings*

"Answer for me, will ya?"

I slide my phone across the table.

"What is it...aye, he's busy..."

He looks at me for a moment then down at the floor,

"The fuck you mean 'messed up'?! No!"

He sucks his teeth,

"We'll be there in 10."

He hangs up the phone and tosses it back over to me,

"What was that all about?"

"The boys at the wear house have a bit a problem..."

I jerk my head up,

"They say that there was a problem with our latest shipment and that they need us there asap."

"What, no! I can't leave her here alone and I sure as hell can't take her with us!"

"Take me where?"

Carlos and I turn around and look towards small voice coming from behind us.

"Kaz? When did you wake up hun? How you feeling?"

I rush over to her and help walk her to a stool,

"I'm fine but what were you two talking about before I came down here?"

Carlos nervously scratches the back of his neck,

"Well uh, i'm gonna go get the car."

He hurries out of house.


"I can't take you Kaz, but I really don't wanna leave you here alone."

"Take me where?"

She puts her soft warm hand on my shoulder and traces my tattoo all the way down to my wrist,

'Messy hair, puffy eyes, she just rolled outta bed and she looks adorable.'

"There was a mishap with our newest shipment."

I check my watch,

"Fuck! We have to go! You have on shoes?"

"Huh? No?"

I pick her up and grab Carlos's slides that he keeps beside the door.

"Whoa Ricardo! Put me down!"

"No time babe, we've gotta go."

I yank the car door open and hop in the back,

"Fucking floor it Carlos!"

"On it."

He slams down on the gas and Kaz falls onto my lap,

"Ouu, you keep that up and I just might-"

"Might what Ricardo?"

I nibble at her ear lobe,

"I might have to-"

"No way man! You two are NOT fucking in the back of my car!"

"Ah calm down, we're not doing anything."

Kaz moves off my lap and looks out the window,


I cup her face in my hand and make her look me in the eye,

"You sure you feeling well? You can wait in the car until we're finished."

"We're here."

He parks the car.

"We've got business to handle babe, let's go."

She kisses the tip of my nose and gets out of the car.

'Damn, that's hot.'


"Ver jefe? Simplemente no cuadra."

(See boss? It just doesn't add up.)


I glance at Kaz who's seems deep in thought,

"What's on your mind babe?"

"I was just said that you found a bug. Whoever planted it wanted you to find it, that way they know you suspect someone's trying to get information from the outside, making you think that no one's working from the inside but, someone is!"

My men all look at each other with confused faces.

"I'm saying that there's a rat and that someone planted the damn thing to make you think that others were here before you all arrived! Geez, is it that hard to understand?"

She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms,

"Well you heard her boys, my woman's a genius."

"¿Y qué hay de la rata?"

(And what about the rat?)

"Leave that to me."


"From now on i'll be working here with these fine gentlemen."


Me and everyone else say the same thing at the same time. Most have their mouths hanging open.

"You can't be serious Kaz."

"Oh I am, and you're not gonna give me any shit on it. I've already decided."

I pull her off to the side,

"Hey, can we talk about this?"

"Talk about what?"

"I'm for real, what the hell are you thinking? Working here is dangerous and I absolutely won't allow you to do this!"

Her smug smile drops,

"Excuse me?"

'Oh shit...what the fuck have I just done?'

"You won't allow me to work here?!"

"Kaz, just calm down-"


She slaps me straight across my face and storms out of the place, making sure the door slams behind her.

"Damn man, that sounded bad. You okay?"

"I uh,"

I put my hand on the spot where she hit me, it tingles.

I mumble to myself,

"I think she should hit me like that again. It's hot."


"Nothing. Go talk to her Carlos, i'll be out in a few."

He nods and then leaves after her.

"Well, I guess she'll be working here. I want all of you to continue work normally, show her what to do around here, and be respectful, and I swear on my dead mothers soul that when find who FUCK is trying TO FUCK ME OVER, I'll slaughter you and your entire family!"

They stare at me in silence,

"The fuck you doing standing around for?! Get back to work!"

I gather myself together and walk outside. Kaz is sitting in the backseat, so I get in beside her.

She scoots to the other side of the car,

"Aw c'mon, I thought we just made up the other night!"

I try to get closer but she puts her foot on the seat,

"You can make it up to me when we get back home from the doctors. Ok?"

"Diablos, sí lo haré."

(Hell yeah I will.)

'I'll make it up to you so damn hard babe.'