Chapter 47: Too Soon

[A few days after]

'How could someone like you love me? I don't deserve you.'

I watch as Kaz turns on her side. She's peacefully sleeping next to me, but I can't seem to do the same.

I carefully get out of bed and walk out onto the balcony. I watch as the hot summer breeze makes the curtains dance.

The night sky has no clouds so all the stars are visible.


I turn around and look at Kaz, she's rubbing her eye and scanning the room for me.

"Out here."

She gets up and walks over,

"Have you been asleep yet?"

I sit on one of the chairs,

"I can't."


I rest my head on her stomach.

'She smells so nice.'

Kaz runs her hands through my hair,

"Ricardo, you've been like this ever since the whole Toni incident. Do you wanna talk about it?"



I lower my hands and grab onto her inner thighs,

"You sure?"

She lifts up my head. Her eyes are searching mine,


She sits down in my lap and puts her arms around my neck,

"Your lips can lie, but your eyes can't hide the truth."

I hide my face in between her breast,


She lifts up my head again,

"Ricky, it's almost 3 in the morning, you wanna try and get some rest?"

I sigh heavily,

"Might as well try."

She gets up and takes my hand in hers. She pulls me up from the chair and lays me down in bed.

"Where you going?"

She looks over her shoulder,

"Just closing the door."


I open up the covers and let her crawl in next to me. I pull her as close to me as possible and slump my arm around her waist. She holds on to me and drifts back to sleep.

"Just give me some time Kaz, I promise i'll get better."

I kiss her cheek and soon fall asleep too.


"She up yet?"


"Good. I don't want her to know about this."

My phone starts to ring in my pocket,

*Unknown number*

"¿Quien es esta?"

(Who is this?)

"English please."

"Fuck, it's you isn't it?"

"Well no shit Ricky boy."

'Who is it?'

Carlos ask but I leave the bar and step out into the hall,

"What the fuck are you doing calling me? Do you have a death wish, Yoyo? And the whole 'planting a rat' thing didn't work out. Who the hell do you think-"

"Boy will you shit the hell up?! I'm tryna explain why I did what I did."

I grit my teeth,

"It better be a fucking good one or i'll come kill you myself."

He sighs into the phone,

"It's your fiancé..."

"You stay the fuck away from her, or so help me god-"

"Damnit Ricky! I don't want to hurt her! I just need to meet with her."

"No way. Not happening, especially not after that little stunt you tried to pull."

"It's not like that, I just needed him to keep eyes on her so-"

"Keep eyes on her? What the fuck does she have to do with the fucking money you stole from me?!"

"I just needed to get your attention!"


"Ok, I see how that was a bad idea but I need to talk to you in person and i'll pay you back all the money with interest."

"Hablar de qué gilipollas?"

(Talk about what asshole?)

"Man what?"

"I said talk about what?!"

"I'd honestly rather discuss this in person. I'll send you an address where we can meet. Feel free to bring as many men you want but I ask you to please bring the girl. I'll be unarmed."

"No. You wanna talk, you come here."

"What? To your so called mansion? Heh, even if I wanted to, I have no idea where it's at."

"I'll send one of my men to pick you up. But you'll be blindfolded until you reach my house."

"Are you serious?"

"You think that i'd still be on the fucking phone still if I wasn't?"

I snap at him.

"Ok ok, what time works for you?"

"Whenever the fuck I feel like seeing you. One more thing, have my money or kiss your fucking limbs goodbye."

I hang up the phone and head back to the bar.

"Well, who was it?"

Carlos ask while casually drinking his beer,

"It was Yoyo. He wants me meet up."


"Shhhhh! She's still asleep."

"What the hell does he want to meet in person for? Are you gonna kill him? Is it a setup? Does he want-"

"Will you shut up?! He says he did all this shit to get my attention."

"And the money he took?"

"He'll repay us, with interest."

"Did he say what he wants to meet for?"

"No idea. But he kept on saying that he wants to meet Kaz."

"Well are you?"

"Fuck no. When he gets here, I take the money then decorate the wall with his fucking brains."

"Hmm, classic Ricardo."

He polishes off the rest of his drink,

"¿Qué mierda se supone que significa eso?"

(What the fuck is that supposed to mean?)

"It means that he went through all that trouble to get in contact with you and you're just gonna take your money and then kill him."

"Well duh, ¿qué más se supone que debo hacer?"

(Well duh, what else am I supposed to do?)

"Hm, I don't know, maybe hear what the fuck he has say!"

"Why would I even consider doing that?!"

"Because i'm sick of this shit Ricky! I'M TIRED OF IT!"

He slams the glass on the floor and pieces scatter all across the room,

"Huh, tired of what?"

"Nothing, i'll get this up."

He shoves past me and grabs the broom.

'Why does it feel like everyone hates me?'