Chapter 51: Kiss and Make Up

"So, who was that in the car?"

"I think you know who was in the car."

"That's not what I asked you,"

I give her a serious glance and she rolls her eyes,

"Now let's try this again. Who was in the car?"

"Lina's oldest brother, Stefan. You know I think I like him."

I don't like her riding around with him. He's sketchy and I don't trust him.


I'd rather not piss her off anymore. I don't like her being mad at me.

"You said you had something to tell me?"

She looks at her nails then down at her shoes,

"Oh, yeah...I had a dream last night."

"W-what kind of dream?"

She must've sensed my uneasiness,

"Not those ones, this one was different. I've never had one like this before."

"What happened in it?"

She looks up at me with a cute little smirk,

"We had a baby...a daughter."

Her words take me by surprise,

"Like a real baby? And it was ours?"

She nods,

"And we were so happy Ricky. We were a happy family."

I can feel a smile appear in my face,

"You said that your dreams always happen in the future...didn't you?"

She nods, still not looking at me. I strut over and softly lift her chin up and look at her shimmering brown eyes,

"How about I put a baby in you Kazmaria?"

Her face instantly turns red,

"Don't say things like that!"

"Why? Does it turn you on?"

I pick her up and lay her down on the bed. I let my knees straddle her hips as her eyes tell me all I need to know.

'Just kiss me already Ricardo.'

Her lips. They call out to me as clear as day.

I leave a trail of hot wet kisses all over her body. Her stomach, her neck, her chest, her v-line. She knew what I was doing, she wanted it too.

I kiss her soft lips, craving her taste like a caged beast craves freedom. I let her warm hands explore other parts of my body.

'Fuck, she's so flawless.'

She tugs my shirt off and then my pants; I do the same to her.

"Ricardo...I need you."

After hearing her say that I can't hold back anymore. My instincts take over as I let my hands do as they please.

Soft moan escape from her mouth, she throws her head back and bites down on her lip.

"I'll give you everything you need Kazmaria, everything."


Exhausted, Kaz and I lie in silence. She rest her head in the crook of my neck and makes small circular motions on my chest.

"Ricky, I have a question."

I drape my arm around her waist and pull her close to me,

"I might have an answer."

She looks at my lips then up at me,

"When you said that you were know. Did you mean it?"

I give her a reassuring squeeze,

"Between me and you, i've wanted to do that since we first met."

She smiles,

"You know I couldn't stand you at first."

"Oh? What changed?"

She runs her hands through my hair,

"I don't know. I think it was just because this my first time doing a mission like that."

"So if it had been some other guy, you'd be married to him and not me?"

"No dumb dumb, I was so intrigued by you. I had never seen a man like you before and the longer I hung around you, the more I liked you. But there was one thing I never understood..."

"And that is?"

"Why you chose me."

"Well I needed an assassin to help me with my plan and you're the best of the best. But the day I came to pick you up, I didn't know that you'd be everything that i've ever wanted."

"Mhm, that's so sweet Ricardo."

She cups my face,

"So, you know we get married next month."

I kiss her hand,

"I'm aware."

"And I was thinking..."


"That maybe Yoyo could come."

"You met him once Kaz and all of a sudden he's invited?"

"He's blood Ricky and I want him there."


"No buts, i've made up my mind and i've decided that I want him and all the rest of them to be there."

'Damn, I know she won't budge on this.'

I suck my teeth,

"Alright, but I want you to formally meet them before you send invitations."

"Oh Ricky, thank you!"

She sits on top of me and plants kisses all over my face,

"I'll go call him now."

She grabs her phone and pulls out the card he gave her. She dials the number and steps out onto the balcony.

"I hope this was the right thing to do."

I watch as she walks back and forth out there speaking with him...that son of a bitch. I would've killed him if it weren't for her. She knows that i'd do anything just to see her smile.

She sits down at the table and frantically plays in her curly hair. Whatever they're talking about must be making her anxious, it's easy to read her body language when she's like this.

I grab a cigarette from my pants pocket that lie on the floor and join her outside. She clicks her phone off and hides her face in her palms.

'It's been like five minutes, what the hell did I miss?'