Chapter 1

The dad's view:

"Ahh... Mr. Madison, my daughter Kenzie will surely meet your value as I repeat over the past view years."

Kenzie's Father had said. He was known from Angel tech. A technology company that was worth just 89 million. Compared to Mr. Madison, he owns a mint cupcake shop.

"Kenzie is the best out of my two daughters. She may be the youngest, but since young she has been top in schools, skipped senior year of high school in Country E's best high school, named school belle in Harvard University, getting a certificate in business. And she's very innocent in the perspective of love." Mr.Angel said with 'pride'.

"Oh is it so that you are trying to sell your daughter to me? Is your company failing or you just want to a quick way to clam the ranks of business?" Mr. Madison stated.

Never in his life has he been this insulted, by anyone. To his shock this kid just took a guess to his plans.

'Ugh, looks like I have to seem like the best father to that spoiled brat of mine.'

" No, no, Mr. Madison you don't seem to get it. I just want the best for my daughter. As an hire to my business, it's just best that she can get what ever she deserves. I mean she works hard and never got into anything with men because of that love for business. I was only saying that to both prove how much pride I take in with my daughter and that she can even take on work if you two come together. I didn't mean offend you in anyway."

" Well Mr.Angel," said Mr. Madison," how about we just leave it here for today as it seems you do have good intentions for your daughter. I was in formed that you are planning a grand ball for Kenzie. Am I correct?"

"Well of course you are correct Mr. Madison. It will be Kenzie's birthday and I wanted to celebrate that she is fully grown now and is ready to take on the world."

" So how about this Mr. Angel, I will come personally come to the ball and seem your daughter and see if she fits to be by my side. If not don't think that I can be a partner with you. Good day sir." Mr Madison said as he got up.

He took long, quick strides while his assistant quickly open the door. Before I could respond he was out the door.

Quickly I called my party planner.

"Miss Alison, you must make this the best party or your dead." I said. "I will add as much money as I have to. Make sure it would get my daughter to grab Harper Madison's attention." Than hanged up.

'She must get that boys attention or else.'


Harper view:

"Mr. Mason, make sure that you buy me the best suit for Kenzie's ball." I said to my assistant.

'Ha, finally I got you, Kenzie. I've been waiting for a long time.' I thought.

I had meet her four years ago and I feel in love with her at first sight. 5'7, black/raven hair that had pretty curls at the end her hair , blue-green eyes, curves in the right place, she was beautiful in every aspect. I had come to country E just to greet my mother. Mom had ran here to get away from my stepdad. She had made a stupid mistake marrying that guy.

Kenzie was just walking by with her books and I couldn't stop looking at her. She had a nice smile and was shinning brighter than ever. I was having these butterflies inside my stomach. To be honest I had never felt that way before. To my bad luck she was about to leave. Quickly I stride over to her side.

"Umm, hi, I'm Harper.... I wanted to ask your name."

"Oh, hi I'm Kenzie Angel. Nice to meet you. I'm sorry I have to go. Bye." She said quickly with a smile before she ran off.

'Kenzie Angel. Kenzie Angel. What a beautiful name. From now on you shall be Mrs. Kenzie Madison, as I will marry you.'

Pulling out my phone I dial Mr.Mason, my assistant, "Mr. Mason, find me everything on Kenzie Angel. She's about 17 years old, black/raven hair and green-blue eyes. You have three hours."

(Three hours later)

Email Report: Kenzie Angel

Harper reading in his head:

'Let's see. Her mom is Madam Maria Marlissa Blanco, 51. She was only hire to the Blanco and Co. business.

Education: Yale collage

She has the net worth of 27 million.

She is divorced to Mr. Davis Angel and has two children with him.

Father is Davis Angel, 53.

CEO to Angel tech

Education: Home school

Net Worth of 47 million

Hates his ex wife and children. Greedy for more money.

Her sister is Mia Giovanna Angel, 21.

First hire to Angel Tech. Never worked a day in her life.

Education: High School

Net worth of 5 million.

Was married to child hood sweet heart then got her marriage divorced because husband cheated on her and got the mistress pregnant.

Status: Now stuck at home depressed and still a brat.

Kenzie Marie Angel, 17 (just turned).

Second hire to Angel Tech

Education: Harvard University (current) and Country E's top high school.

Jobs: Intern at Angel Tech, model until of age 13

Net worth: 26 million

Status: Single and studying for business and economics.'

"So her father is greedy, looks like I need him to try arranging a marriage with me or he would 'marry' her off for something.'