Chapter 3

[The next day]- Kenzie's view

Beep, Beep, Beep

"Damn alarm." I mumbled to myself. I raised my head and look around the room. The sunrise sunlight was coming out of the drapes of my window, which came touching my bed. The room was styled white and black, contrasting the color of the furniture and wooden floor. My huge bed was across the door. It was a king size but looked like a twin when in this room. Turning back to the beeping alarm it is 5' in the morning, I turn it off and got out of the bed.

Walking I grabbed my drapes and pulled them until I can see the full view of the city. My apartment was on the the second highest floor and it took up the whole floor of the building. The floor high windows are my favorite. I move from my bedroom to the huge open kitchen. Opening the fridge I pull out eggs.

'Today I'm going to make a good protein breakfast with a cheat on the side.'

I first make scrambled eggs just the way my Nonna [1]made it. Second I make an avocado toast. And to top it off I made Nonna's super special Grenache toast! 😋

I sit down on my island and turn on the mini tv by the kitchen counter.

"On today's news we are going to address the engagement between Harper Madison and Kenzie An..."

" WE ARE NOT ENGAGED!" I screamed at TV. That's was between him and my dad not me!

To angry to eat my breakfast anymore I threw it away. Getting up, I went to the walk in closet and got gym clothes on. Heading downstairs I started jogging to the gym.

" Hey Kenzie, I heard you are in engaged to the hottest bachelor ever." My friend Divia said.

"Hey Divia, have I ever told you a story where the nosy divia friend got killed for believing a stupid rumor? Hmm?"

"Umm nope. Guessing it's not true. Let me guess.... two word... your father! Am I correct?"

"Yep" sighing I hand my membership card over to Divia.

"Well, my friend, I'm sorry your rap up with him especially as a father." My Divia said with a sorrow face handing over the card.

"Thanks. Imma go and train a little. I'll come say bye at 7."

"Okay bye Ken."

Like I said, I exercise in the membership gym till 7 before leaving.

"Bye Divia!" I said while opening the door before she can respond. I jogged back to the apartment building to take a shower. The glass elevator took me up. Walking out I saw three huge teddy rose bear. One was red, the second was pink and third was white.

'Where did that come from.' I notice that on one of the bears neck was a letter.

"To my dear Kenzie," I read out loud, "even though you don't approve our engagement, I will prove to you that I can be your perfect husband. Love, ℋ𝒶𝓇𝓅ℯ𝓇."

That bastard! Doesn't he understand that I don't like him that way. For once I thought I had a friend guy but turns out he is just after me! I'm not even that pretty.

Taking out my phone i see it's 7:15. I better take a shower quickly. After the shower I take out a blouse and a pencil shirt. I head down to the doorman to call me a taxi.

Finally I arrive at Angel Tech. Here I am the director of business operations. Looking around I notice everybody noticing me with a weird gaze.

Ignoring the gazes, I head straight to work. The day past by before I knew. Quick and quiet, just the way I like it.

"Eeeeeeeeh!" Somebody made. Frowning I look up. To my dismay the bastard is here. He walked to me as he done this many times.

"Hello Kenzie, I came to take you out." The bastard said.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Madison, I am not expecting anyone, especially you." I said politely in a cold but calm voice I pick up my hand I see it's 5 o'clock. "Ah, you see it's time for me to leave. If you excuse me, I'll be leaving."

Before he can respond I grab my stuff and left.

'That bastard had that nerve to come to my work. He can go straight to hell for all I care.'