Chapter 5


'That damn bastard! He's going to kill me before my time!'

The streets are filled with people walking back and fourth. Sea of heads are walking on the side walk. The lights are shinning bright with all different colors. The life is now taking over. Taking a deep breath I feel my self calming down. Even thought Harper is going to kill me, taking back is made me feel a little better. Seeing his dejected face was awesome. A blossoming smile appeared on my face.

As I walked down to my area, I make a swift turn. The supermarket was probably my favorite part in the area. The supermarket is huge and have every new thing on the market. Like my nonna always taught me, let's pull out the grocery list!

Kenzie's Grocery list:


-Veggies; tomatoes, onions, celery, lettuce, carrot, spinach, etc

-Pasta (buy anything you like)

- Bread and bagels.

-Mac and cheese (vegan)

- Cereal (of course Honey Nut Cheerios)

-Cake mix

-Butter (vegan)

-Powdered sugar





And anything else you think you would like!


After an hour and half....

'Ah, that was refreshing' I said as I skipped down the street.

"Good night madam" Mr. Andrews the doorman said.

"Goodnight Mr.Andrews" as the elevator closed.

The night sky was coming up as day has met their end. The sky clear to see the stars from the skyline. The city lights is bright as people run home.

"Alexa okay my favorites list [1]" i said. Yellow hearts (feat. Audrey Mika) started to fill my home.

As I take out the grocery out I put aside my Mac and cheese and cake mix and stuff to make my grandma's special buttercream[2]. 🤤

I first get ready my Mac and cheese and put the mac pasta in boiling water. After that started to boil, I make the the cake batter mix (as I'm lazy to make it from scratch and made with lactose milk ) and set the oven at 370. Just as the batter was ready, the pasta is ready. Then I make the Mac and cheese sauce and mix it in. Tada the Mac and cheese is ready.

Pouring the batter into a oval pan, I put it in the oven. As that cooks, I make meh favorite thing in the world!


The process took as much time as to bake the batter in the oven. Both have to cool down so I put the mixture and the pan in the fridge. As they both cool down I went to the bathtub and made bath with a little bubble. Putting up my hair, I take a bath bomb and let it soak in. I take my phone and set a timer for thirty minutes. Taking my book, I get straight to reading.

Before I know it, it's been thirty minutes already so I get up and put on a towel. I dried my self on top of the rug so I can put on my pjs. I put a head band to move the lose hair from my forehead. I grab my products and do my face routine to keep clear skin.

As wearing a face mask as my routine too, I head out with it. Heading back to my kitchen, the music is till playing my list (right now: changes by xxxtentacion). I go straight to work. To give some time for the cake and buttercream, I will make tea. I get ready the water and set it on low so I have time. Then I went straight to work.I grab the pan first and check it's cool.

Yes! It's cool! I split in half and got it ready for the frosting. I head back to the fridge and took out the buttercream. Yes I'm lucky it cooled. I take a scoop of it and put on one slice of the cake. I take the other and carefully placed it on the other. Yes it's didn't break. And then I covered it in a frosting since it's just me. Then I go to the cabinet and grab a cake decorating pipe and make large swirls on top so I get extra cream. Oh wow it looks so good that I just can't believe oh it can look so delicious!

I cut a big piece of the cake and head to the living room. For some reason I want to sit on the floor so I pick up a blanket on the couch and wrap myself to in it. Setting the cake I place my tea that is ready and the fork.

I open up my Megram and took a photo. I post it as I haven't in a while. I put down my phone and grab the fork. Right as I'm about to dive in, the doorman buzzed me.

Buzz, Buzz, the monitor went off.

'Oh sigh, I'm never going to get to eat my cake.'

I head to the hall for the elevator.

"Yes, Mr. Andrews." I said in my professional voice.

"Ummm, yes, Madam, a Mr. Madison is looking for." He said an awkward voice.

'Oh lord this dude is going to kill me.'

"Mr. Andrews, do me a favor and send him away. He just being a annoying bee all day."

"Ummm, yes madam, but can you rethink that."

"Why, Mr.Andrews" I said curiously. Mr. Andrews never said that before.

"Well I already tried that but then he broke down and started to cry how much he liked you and loved you and it was so surprising because I never saw you with a man before but before I could say anything I could smell a hint of whiskey on him. To speak clearly, I think you broke that boy."

'Jaw drop, Mr. Andrews never spoke that much as long as I knew him.'

"Umm fine, I trust you judgement. Send him up."

Time to greet my guest, I guess. I stood by the door to greet Harper.

The doors open slowly and I can't believe my eyes.

Harper Madison, the most hottest, richest, and eligible bachelor in the whole country is in front of me with red eyes and a small smell of whiskey.

'Has he been drinking?'

"Mr.Madison, please come in for a few minutes, do you need help?" I said in my professional voice like I was in a meeting.



"Call me Harper. It will make me feel better a little. Please." He pleaded. "Fine, Harper, do you need any help?"

"No, no, I don't. I just wanted to talk and see you again. May I talk to you?" He said in a mellowy hoarse voice, while looking away from me.

"Sure." I guided him to a my living room where I had my now cold tea and my cake. " I made fresh cake. Would you like a piece?"

'Please say no.'

"Umm sure that would be nice. Can I just have a piece about fourth of what that cake piece on your table has." He said while looking at the cake. " And nice song, I like this song too."

'Oh shit! Here is probably the most famous and hottest guy and he is seeing my huge cake piece and is listening to my hips don't lie song. So embarrassing!' I feel a blush coming so I basically run to the kitchen.

After I returned I find him still standing up. "Harper, you can sit down if you would like." With that I walked to him and passed that cake.

"Thank you." He said while he walked to the couch. I followed behind him not knowing what else to do. I grab my blanket and wrapped my self before grabbing my cake. I sit beside him with a good distance. We sat in quiet before he started to speak.

" I wanted to say why I I want to marry you, Kenzie and I want you to hear all of it before you respond." He said in a lie gentle voice. I looked up and met his eyes. Those eyes where full of serenity and warmth. I couldn't help but nod to show my approval. He continued.

"This love for you started the day I met you in the coffee shop in this city 4 years ago, you were carrying a bunch of books in your arm and I just couldn't get my eyes off you. Before I knew it you were walking out to leave but I couldn't just let you leave so I ran to you and introduced my self."

'Wait four years ago? I was only in the city once that year. How could he met me unless....'

" I told you my name was Harper and you introduce yourself back before running off."

'It's himself!'

"And once I got your name, I found out everything I knew about you and your family. I just knew she should be together so I trapped yourself dad so I can have an arranged marriage. I knew you may be against it but I wanted have you before anyone can take you from me. I know, I know, what I did was wrong and I fully understand if you want to stay someone else. But if you choose me, I swear to god I will work everyday to make it up to you and make you fall for me." He said with both warm and sadness in his eyes. It was killing my heart seeing that.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance." I spit out with no knowledge what I agreed on.

"Really?! Your not kidding?!" He said in surprise. Even I don't know why I'm saying it.

"Yes I'll give you a chance. But on one condition. You must be fully committed."