
3rd PoV

Dante woke up and immediately notified Trish after a long sleep that he is going to search for a way to open the demon world, Trish was worried about it and warned Dante the consequence of doing so. Trish was only able to go to demon world with Mundus' help because she is connected to him, without him, she couldn't go back. Dante's mind was pressured because of the consequences because of his longing for his mother.

Dante then started searching for a way to go to the demon world ignoring breakfast as he started leaving. Using the Guild's resources, Francis let him do what he wants. He is back in Denmark, in the branch of the guild, the patrons of Nell's workshop were complaining about Nell's shop closing but they were still in the pub just beside her shop. That place is the only information broker that Dante trusted.

He went to that place after hailing a cab. He asked his trusted friend running the pub. Gill is a tall fellow with wavy hair, his face was riddled with scars as it was burned by an incendiary when he was but a mercenary that fought in the middle east. His angular face indicated that his looks were above average but was ruined by his face filled with scars, his body was lean but also packed with strength.

"Gill, I need information. You might not believe me but still, I want to try my luck." Dante said.

"Sure, what is it?" Gill knew that when Dante speaks like this, it would take 200% of his effort to find what he wants but the price would also be satisfactory.

"I want to know if there are any way to open the demon world." Dante said making Gill freeze, his whole body shook as he looked at Dante as if he is an insane man, but he knew Dante would not ask him if Dante didn't know what he is talking about.

"If you are REALLY serious about it, its going to cost you a lot. 10x the price would be the minimum as what you're talking about is something I don't even know if it really exist or not." Gill said in a solemn tone while Dante nodded, his brother's organization could surely afford it but he would have to earn it back and repay it. With his skills he could take a high-rank quest from the Guild's board and earn the money to pay them back after completing it.

"Let me check my database." Gill then started walking inside the employee only section of the pub and immediately started searching for what he was asked to do. The chances of finding what Dante wants is less than 1% but a low possibility means its not zero. (One Outs reference, try it, its a baseball anime. OG TOKUCHI)

His database although inferior to Milluki, it is still a wide net, because Milluki already had his network of information spread out even to supernatural worlds but all of his information was for Vergil and Vergil alone, he would sell any information that is/are irrelevant to Vergil, meaning all he collected about the demons was not one of those that he sells, hell if Dante even knew that a monster was living in the basement of the manor, then he wouldn't even bother asking for Gill.

Gill then searched for like an hour, he started narrowing it all down and he was left with a single information, but all it included was just a name. No description, no way how, just a name. Temen-ni-Gru. It was all he could come up with, but if Dante would ask Milluki, he could provide Dante at least its description. A tower made by devil worshippers and was sealed by a powerful entity, as for who, Milluki doesn't know.

Gill then went outside and looked at Dante sitting, quietly sipping bourbon with its bottle beside it. He then looked at Dante with a solemn gaze, it was one of his treasured booze and kept it alongside normal bottles to make sure it isn't suspicious, he also changed its label changing it from a 60 year old bottle to a 10 year one, but now it is in Dante's hands. What made Gill rage was the bottle is empty and Dante sipped the last of it from his glass.

"You...! MY BOTTLE! WHY THE F*CK ARE YOU JUST TAKING A BOTTLE FROM THE COUNTER?! DO YOU KNOW HOW PRECIOUS THAT BOTTLE WAS?! ALSO YOU'RE A MINOR WHY IN THE F*CKING HELL ARE YOU DRINKING?!" Gill continued raging at Dante while Dante ignored him and said that he will pay for it. Gill slumped down as if his wife was cucked from him and he had nothing to stop it as they had already done the deed.

(Don't know much about aged alcohol, so yeah)

"You will pay 50x for the price you wanted also I want 10x the price for that bottle!" Gill said as Dante only fished out a blank check and gave it to Gill stunning him.

"Name the price, if its reasonable then I'll pay if not then I won't pay for it." Dante said to Gill as he reluctantly took the check from Dante's hands. Dante then motioned with his eyes as Gill knew what it meant.

"All I could find was a name. As for what it was, I have no means to know or it is just simply impossible or it didn't exist." Gill said making Dante frown. Not even Gill had given him a clear way. He then stood up and left the bar. When he passed by the door, a voice entered his ears.

"I know what you're looking for as well as the ways to accomplish it." The man said.

Dante then turned to see Arkham leaning just outside the bar. He then asked him.

"Who are you and what do you want? If my most trusted information broker doesn't have a way to know about it, what gives you the right to say that you know about it?" Dante said to Arkham.

"Dante, the son of the most hated being in the demon world. My name is Arkham. Pleased to meet you." Arkham said making Dante frown, Dante knew that his father was hated because he learned about it when his father told him about some of his exploits. To seal the world of your own kind, surely they would hate you for it.

"You're searching for a way to open the demon world. All I need is that amulet and your blood as well as your brother's amulet and blood as well." Arkham said to entice Dante. Dante was desperate to find a way to the demon world and it was taken advantaged by Arkham. Sure Dante could kill him but his last clue would be cut off never to be seen again.

"If you are interested in knowing, follow me to an uninhabited island west of Japan. A tower is in there and I would be waiting for you at the top of it." Arkham said as he started fading. Dante also knew that it was just a projection that's why he didn't rush to kill him.

'A tower huh. I wonder what he plans to do. I'm sure it was no good. Guess I'll have to ask brother for help once more huh.' Dante thought as he stared at the place where Arkham last stood.