Chapter Seven: Don't Get Attached

We were almost to our destination when I got this sudden feeling like I wasn't going to like what I saw. We turned onto the street where the house was and there were candles lit all the way down it. "That is strange, they would only do this if someone on this street died or was badly hurt." I said.

My anxiety levels were rising slowly, but I couldn't show it. As soon as I could see my family's house I jumped out of the buggy and ran there. Cole saw it and jumped out to chase after me. It was ash, the whole place burned to the ground and their bodies burned to the point that I could barely recognize them. My whole family is dead. Then I saw something on the ground that was never in the house and was most definitely the cause of the fire. A torch, just the way it was there made me think it was intentional. I was built up with rage, and my eyes went dark, but not for seconds, but for minutes.

"We should talk to Weylyn and Darmin about this." Cole said. I looked at him with my pure black eyes.

"No, no talking." My voice echoed. I stood up and my eyes went back to normal, but I was still rageful. I walked to the neighbors house and demanded that they tell me who did this. They all said they didn't see his face, except one neighbor who was most definitely afraid of me. They said that it was that man on the street over and told me the address. I got in the buggy and told the coachman where to go. As soon as I got there I broke down the door. "I have one question before I kill you. Why? Why did you kill them?" I asked, still extremely angry.

"He made me do it, he said if I didn't he would kill my family, he said you didn't want any attachments to anyone, and that you wanted it." He said very scared, standing in the dining room with his hands up.

"Who?" Cole said, then angrily walked up to him and grabbed him by his shirt. "Who told you that?" He yelled in his face.

"He didn't say his name, but he was an old guy. I've seen him before that night." he said frightened, voice shaking. As soon as he said old man I knew who it was. Darmin.

"We need to go." Cole let him go and I walked up to him, put my hand on his shirt and lit him on fire. He turned into a pile of ash in seconds. "I hope you wanted to be cremated." I said and walked out the door. We got back into the buggy and I told the coachman to take us to Darmin. That son of a bitch is going to pay for what he has done.

It took the whole day to get to the trail that his house was down, it took an hour to get to the house from the beginning of the trail. As soon as we got there it was dark, but that wasn't going to stop me from killing him, maybe he will be asleep and it will be easier. But nope, he was sitting on his porch as if he was waiting for someone, maybe he knew we were coming. He was just sitting there on the third to last step on the porch, holding a water glass little more than half way full. The drink looked like whisky, with perfect square ice cubes, there were four ice cubes in the whisky. He just sat there for a while staring at his cup for a while. Cole held me back by my left wrist.

"Let me go." I said, my eyes turning dark.

"I can't." He said. I got really confused but was too angry to show it.

"Why the hell can't you?" I asked him angrily.

"I don't know." he said.

"It's because we are family Cole." Damin said from the porch looking down at the ground. We looked at him, and he looked up.

"What did you just say?" I asked with a lot of attitude in my voice.

"Cole and I are family." He said. "And your name isn't Cole Marcus Adair, it's Riggins Al Keath, You are my grandson." He said as if it was no big deal. Cole just stood there in shock for a while. Darmin chugged his drink and set the glass on the porch, he stood up and walked up to Cole. He stood inches from Cole. "You will take your name Riggins." he said quietly to Cole.

"I refuse to take the name of my family who gave me up and abandoned me." He said and tried the walk away, Darmin grabbed his arm.

"I wasn't asking. We didn't abandon you, we were always there, watching." He said.

"Then why was I in that room for all those years?" He asked through his teeth angrily.

"We thought it would be best for you to not get attached to anyone." He said, his face showed no emotion whatsoever.

Darmin still having a good grip on Cole's wrist, they stood there for about a minute, Cole trying to process everything that has been said. The only thing you could hear was the wind blowing the leaves around on the ground and through the trees. Till the calming quietness was interrupted by Coles short and important question. "Who's we?"

"Why did you have to ask?" He said as he pulled a gun out from behind him and pointed it at me. I put my hands in the air in surprise that things escalated that fast.

"What the hell are you doing?" Cole asked shocked.

"You do it or I will." Darmin said towards me.

"Do what?" I said with a shaky voice.

"Kill him." He said. I stood there wide eyed. "What? Are you attached?" He looked at Cole. "This is why we don't attached Riggins." He fired a shot towards me, I used my magic to redirect it and shot a ball of fire at him from my hand. Trying to dodge it Darmin fell on the ground. We both looked at Cole who was bleeding from his chest, I thought I directed the bullet away from both of us. I ran over to his as he fell. I held him in my arms as he was dying. I told him everything was going to be okay. Darmin just stood there, which angered me.

Cole took his last breath, and Darmin took Cole's body and put him over his shoulder, I reached for him. I sat there, on the ground crying. Darmin put Cole's body somewhere in his house and came back outside. He walked up to me and crouched down next to me, I was looking down at my hands asking myself what I had done.

"Next time, don't get attached." He stood up and turned around to walk away. I used my magic to throw him into the house. He laid there unconscious and I wrote him a note saying I would come for him someday. Then I left that hell-hole.