Chapter Ten: Unfamiliar Love in a Familiar Place

We cuddled for a while, just laying there. Until I say up, and go out of bed.

"Come on, we need to get moving, we need to go to Darmin's place." I say and throw Al his shirt. I put on my clothes, which were still a bit damp from the rain.

"Can't that wait?" he said in his morning voice putting on his shirt.

"No, sorry, it can't. The sooner we get rid of Darmin, the better." I say sitting down to put on my shoes. He scooches over to me and starts tickling me. "Stop, we have to leave." I say in between laughs.

"Make me." He says as he stops tickling me and looking into my eyes. He is leaning over me. I sit up, sit on his lap, and kiss him. I stop kissing him and get up.

"Come on. We gotta go." I say walking over to the door. He gets off the bed and gets ready to leave.

We walk to Darmins, as we approach the house we see Riggins on the porch and Darmin handing him one of two glasses of whisky. We stand there, Riggins and I holding eye contact. Al reaches for my hand, we hold hands and walk forward.

"That's close enough she devil." Darmin shouts. We stop walking. "Al, you chose the wrong side." Al grips my hand a bit tighter looking at me and then at Darmin.

"No, I don't think I did Sir." Al said.

"Awe, how sweet. You sure got over Riggins quick." Darmin says.

"I never loved Riggins, I loved Cole, and Riggins and you killed him." I say. Then I look at Al, "Cole will always have a place in my heart, but Cole is gone and now I love Al." Al looks back at me and then we look back at Darmin and Cole. "Cole deserves justice."

"That he does Kenna." he says and then looks at Riggins. Riggins starts to walk over to us. Al stepped in front of me. Riggins and Al stand there staring at each other.

"Move Al." Riggins said demandingly.

"Not gonna happen Riggins." Al says intensifying his stare. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Al, I got this," I say, he looks back at me. "Get behind me." he sees my eyes turning black. He nodded his head and stepped away. I step forward, taking a deep breath. I realise this is what I was preparing for, and now I will be putting that preparation to the test.

"Let's do this Princess." Riggins says pulling out a knife from his back pocket.

"That's Queen to you." I say using my powers to take a knife out of the kitchen and bring it to my hand.

Him and I went back and forth with the knives. He kept coming at me with his knife, and I blocked each time. It's more important to block and get your plan and thoughts in order than to attack. I switched hands and got my forehead with it. Just a little scratch. Then I ducked down when he came at me again and tripped him. He landed on his back. I got on top of him and put my knife to his throat.

"Go on," Riggins says. "Do it." He says through his gritted teeth.

I was going to, I was, then I realized I got two people in their weakest moment just by holding a knife to one's throat.

"I got a better idea Riggins." I smile at him looking straight into his eyes. His eyes gave away how dead Cole really was. I lift the knife away from his throat and throw it. I never lost eye contact until the knife hit my target.

"No." Riggins yelled.

The blood came through Darmins white shirt around the knife. He looks down at the knife and pulls it out slowly. He falls down the steps and lands face down in the dirt and leaves. Riggins pushes me off him and runs to Darmin. He kneels down to Darmins silent body. He turned him over, and he was already gone. Riggins kissed the corpse's forehead. Then he put his hand on the lifeless being and it turned to dust, all that was left was it's clothes. Riggins stands up and faces me. He sees me, and sees a gun in my hands, once Darmins gun.

"Goodbye Riggins." I say. Al standing behind me with his arms crossed. A flash, a bang, then silence. I take a deep breath in and out with my eyes closed facing up toward the sky.