Ren, don’t flip. I need you right now.

Fri. con't.

After dinner, Takeshi and Ren sit outside in the grass, overlooking the town.

"Prince! Prince my lord! You're back!" A small red fox runs up to them.

"Only for a short while but I'm glad to be back," Takeshi smiles.

"Word from the messenger pigeon! The princess Cyvanus is coming to talk to you. It's urgent," it squeaks.

"Why thank you Zuzi, I will go and investigate," Takeshi nods and the fox runs off.

"Prince? My lord?" Ren looks at Takeshi confused.

"I'm the prince of this town, or kingdom, in a way. I would be a king but I don't like the label. They forced me to choose which one I wanted to be called because they didn't want to call me by my real name, they found it disrespectful to me, so I chose prince instead of king," Takeshi sighs as he stands up.

"Why, in general, are you their prince?" She stands up as well.

"Well, basically I'm the one who helped this town become a town. An actual town not just a place claiming to be a town. Plus, I help keep this place safe from everything that I can keep them safe from," he laughs.

"We have to, I have to go… Go ahead and feel free to stick with me or run around," Takeshi sighs then begins to walk off.

"I think I'll come with you considering…." she gets quiet then jogs up to him.

"Totally fine with me," he laughs as they cross the bridge.

They walk up to a few knights on large horses surrounding something.

"The pleasure is always ours," Takeshi kneels on one knee as he lowers his head. Ren quickly follows.

"Oh, the pleasure is always mine Takeshi," a voice comes from the center of the circle of guards. As they part, a girl Ren and Takeshi's age riding a large, jet black horse, walks up to them. She sits tall as her long reddish brown hair sways in the ponytail it was in. Her light brown eyes study Takeshi as approaches. As soon as she gets off of the horse, she fixes her Victorian era dress before doing a small curtsy, signaling for Takeshi and Ren to stand.

"It's ok little one, he is here to protect you," she looks to her side and a little tan pegasus foal carefully walks over to her.

"Hi there," Takeshi crouches down with a smile as his eyes study the little foal. It snorts before slowly walking up to his open, out stretched hand.

"I'm going to keep you safe," he smiles.

"You understand there's only one way I can care for him, right?" Takeshi picks up the little foal in his arms then stands up and looks at the girl.

"Turn him human, then teach him, like you did with the others," she nods.

"Well, go ahead and go inside. I'll do all the hard work," he laughs then as soon as the guards and the girl were gone, he walks off towards the forest with Ren following. He carefully sets down the foal in a small grassy opening.

"Ren, don't flip. I need you right now. I need you to stay behind me incase anything happens," he sighs as he gets on his knees.

"Ok, yeah. Will do," Ren nods slightly nervously.

"Good," Takeshi takes in a long breath before tilting his head back and letting out a small gasp. Before he can close his eyes to hide them from Ren, she notices them turn hundreds of different colors. A light blue misty fog flows from his nostrils before flowing into the foal's nostrils. A few seconds pass and the blue fog disappears. Takeshi falls backwards where Ren quickly catches him.

"Open your eyes little one. Welcome to the new world," he heavily breathes, making Ren look up at where the foal had been. A little boy with brown hair and brown eyes sat where the foal had been.

"Welcome Darvin," Takeshi sits up with a small smile. The little 7 year old quickly stands up and runs over to Takeshi and into his arms. A large black Rottweiler walks over to Takeshi.

"Follow Mink, this dog, back to the castle and the people there will get you situated," he smiles at the boy who nods. The dog and the boy walk off as Takeshi stands up.

"Takeshi…" Ren looks at Takeshi's lightly pale face.

"You need a lift back, Takeshi?" A voice comes from behind Ren, making her quickly turn to face it. A boy their age with messy, medium long blonde hair and light green eyes wearing old, red, Victorian age prince clothing riding a large buck deer stood behind them.

"No Alex. I think I can make it," Takeshi grumbles and barely looks at him.

"Vanos, Alexander. Would you like a ride back to the mansion madam?" The boy looks at Ren.

"No. I think I'm ok. I can walk," she gives him a small smile.

"You have a loyal one for once Takeshi, don't screw her over, or modify her, like you did the others," the boy smirks then rides off.

"Meet you back at the mansion," he calls before disappearing into the woods.

"What did he mean by that?" Ren looks over at Takeshi.

"C'mon. We have to get back, to the town, I mean," he sighs and begins to walk back to the town.

"Takeshi!" Ren rushes after him.

"He's just messing around, trying to get under your skin so you leave me," Takeshi sighs.

"Really? He was so…" Ren starts.

"Yeah, I know. Just ignore it, ok?" Takeshi continues back to the town.

"Takeshi, these people look up to you, why can't we talk to the queen and get her to help protect these other places?" Ren asks as she follows him back.

"No," Takeshi growls, his mood suddenly changing.

"Why not?" Ren glares at him.

"Because she and I are not on the best of terms," he sighs, anger still hiding in his voice.

"Then I'll talk to her," Ren stops walking.

"No. You will go nowhere near that daughter of a…" he stops walking then gets quiet.

"What were you going to say about our queen?" She growls at him.

"Nothing, let's go," he begins to walk.

"No. What were you going to say?" She grabs his arm and yanks him back.

"Just leave it, ok?" Takeshi growls as he yanks his arm back then continues walking.

"Takeshi," Ren growls.

"Just leave it!" He yells at her.

They walk into the town in silence before walking towards the mansion where Ryland stood with a smirk on his face.