You like the Hounds?


As they reach the school, they head inside to their class where everyone is already gathered and practicing.

"Glad to see we didn't lose a good student," Mr.Norio looks at Takeshi with a slight smile as Ren looks over.

"It'll take much more than that to get rid of me sir," Takeshi laughs in response.

"We're done for now. Go get lunch everyone!" Mr.Norio yells at the class and everyone stops practicing.

"I'm that late sir?" Takeshi nearly gasps.

"Don't worry about it and go eat lunch," Mr.Norio laughs and walks off.

"I'm glad to see you're ok Carte Morta," Ren walks over to Takeshi and Maiman as they head to the courtyard.

"Night of tests and I'm good," Takeshi laughs and sits at a table under a tree.

"Well. You wouldn't mind if I put you through another one, would you?" She slightly laughs and sits next to him.

"Um, I mean, I'm tired so…." he shrugs with a small yawn as she leans close to his ear.

"What do you do? Don't just say you're some regular person who just knows stuff. Tell me now or later but eventually I'll figure it out," she whispers then gets up and starts to walk off but stops a few feet away when the headmistress walks over to Takeshi with Mr.Himu.

"Takeshi, I apologize in advance, knowing you just got back from a night of tests, but the interrogation is not going very well. Would you be able to go up to the cloud facility where it is?" The headmistress sighs, not really noticing Ren standing there.

"Kinu? Why yes. I would be more than happy to help," he stands up and packs up his things quickly.

"You do understand that Kinu does not think the world of you so he could react harshly to you, yes?" Mr.Himu glances at Maiman.

"Yes. I am fully aware of the problems that could occur during this interaction and I am fully willing to go help when needed no matter the circumstances. And by asking me to do this, you are fully aware of my relationship with the Church?" Takeshi locks eyes with the headmistress.

"We only know the things that are necessary, such as why you came to school so late in the year, and what you are possibly capable of," the headmistress sighs.

"Now let's go," she turns and starts to walk out of the lunch area with Mr.Himu, Takeshi, and Maiman following. Ren watches them go, completely confused.

The headmistress leads Takeshi through the school to a secret, blocked off room. As they enter, the room lights up, revealing a giant dome like room with swirling portal doors around the walls. She leads him towards one across from the door then steps in. He looks down at Maiman then shrugs and walks through. They end up in a big room with portals on the walls like the previous room at the school. The headmistress heads towards the only door in the room and knocks on it in a certain pattern. The big iron door slowly opens and she walks through. Takeshi and Maiman quickly walk after her, both still a little uneasy about the portal trip. She leads the two down a long hallway with a door at the end of the hall with two big guards standing on each side of the door.

"We're here to interview the Clone. This is Takeshi and his wolf Maiman. They are the two who originally discovered it," the headmistress looks at a woman who was walking over to us. The woman carefully pulls back her long blonde hair into a ponytail then stops walking and stands in front of Takeshi. Her light green eyes look him up and down then look at Maiman.

"Follow me," she turns and walks through the door. The headmistress, Takeshi, and Maiman walk in after her.

As they enter the room, Takeshi sees Kinu sitting at the table in the middle of the room with his head facing his feet and his arms and legs chained to the floor and table.

"Headmistress, you may leave the room and go to the observation room so you are safe in case it lashes out," the woman holds open another door at the other side of the room.

"Thank you," the headmistress nods and walks through. As soon as she leaves the room, the woman closes and locks the door.

"You may begin Takeshi," the woman leans against the wall by the door and looks at Takeshi and Maiman. He nods and sits in the chair across from Kinu, who quickly looks up at Takeshi's name.

"You," he growls at the sight of Takeshi sitting across from him.

"Hello Kinu," Takeshi lets out a small yawn.

"You like the Hounds?" Kinu laughs and leans forward in his chair.

"I had a feeling you sent them. Or someone related to you," Takeshi shrugs and leans back in his chair.

"They were a nice touch, yes?" Kinu laughs.

"Let's just cut to the chase. Why did you enter the school?" Takeshi leans forward as Maiman sits next to him.

"It was honestly pretty hard to get the Hounds after you and that girl, the unicorn just showed up," Kinu laughs again and watches Takeshi's movements.

"Tell me why you entered the school Kinu," Takeshi sighs.

"Why?" Kinu smirks.

"You don't like wolves, do you?" Takeshi glances at Maiman then looks back at Kinu.

"Where did that come from?" Kinu slightly nervously laughs.

"Cause you've been carefully eyeing Maiman since we sat down," Takeshi shrugs as Maiman stands up and jumps on his lap, making Kinu slightly flinch.

"They're no different than Hounds," Kinu grumbles.

"Actually, yeah, they are. Very different. But, you don't really like dogs in general, do you?" Takeshi watches Kinu's movements carefully.

"Why does that matter?" Kinu quickly tries to stand up but the chains pull him back down into his chair making Takeshi let out a small snicker.

"Shut up!" Kinu screams. "You're the one who got me here! Believe me when I say you're screwed! You're going to wish you never got me in here! My family, and all the other creatures out there that you guys call "monsters" know about you, and I promise on my life they're going to torture you so much you're going to wish you were dead! All I was doing at the school was studying you stupid humans! I was assigned to do it! I knew I would probably get caught but in our society, you have to take those risks!" Kinu screams, constantly trying to get up and rush at Takeshi. The woman motions for Takeshi to get up as a few big men walk into the room and make their way over to Kinu who continued to scream. Takeshi stands up after Maiman jumps off his lap and he makes his way out of the room, not once looking back at the still screaming Kinu. He and Maiman step into the hallway where the headmistress stood waiting for them.

"Time to go," she turns and makes her way down the hall with Takeshi and Maiman following. They take the portals back to the school.

"Take this," the headmistress hands Takeshi a paper then walks off to her office. Takeshi folds the paper then him and Maiman head home. They reach their house then head up to their room where Takeshi falls back onto the bed. He unfolds the paper and looks at it, carefully reading every word.

"We wrote you this so you would not feel threatened by what the creature said. It is under control and you do not need to feel you need to take any "over the top" actions. As soon as you are done reading this, please burn it so the wrong hands cannot get ahold of it. Thank you."

"Such a clique paper," Takeshi sighs and walks to the basement where a fireplace sat. He lights a fire then tosses the paper in, watching it burn until every piece was gone. He closes the glass so the fire eventually dies out then makes his way upstairs back to his room.