I want this. I want us.


"Good to see you're up and about," Ren smiles as Takeshi walks down the stairs with the wolf version of Maiman trailing behind him.

"Where am I?" Takeshi reaches the bottom of the stairs and looks around.

"You're home," Ren stands up from the couch and carefully puts a hand on Takeshi's shoulder.

"What day is it?" He looks at her then at the ground.

"Monday. You were out for two days," Ren sighs as Takeshi looks back at her.

"Sheesh," Takeshi chuckles.

"Yeah," Ren allows a small smile to creep across her face.

"I'm so tired," He looks down at Maiman with a sigh. Maiman slowly shakes her head to say 'no'.

"Ren?" Takeshi looks at Ren as Maiman grabs the leg of his pants and begins to pull at it.

"Yeah?" Ren looks at him with confusion.

"I need something from you," Takeshi steps closer to her.

"What is it?" She glances at Maiman who lets go of his pants and takes a step away from him.

"Energy," he takes another step closer.

"What?" She locks eyes with him.

"I need your energy," he carefully takes her hand.

"What do you mean?" She pulls her hand away.

"I need your energy," he glances at her hand.

"The only way I can get it is to bite you," they lock eyes again as fear fills hers.

"What?" She takes a few steps away from him.

"It won't hurt," he watches her move away.

"Please," as he takes a step closer, Ren glances at where Maiman had been standing but she's gone.

"Takeshi, I don't know," Ren holds her hands to her chest.

"Ren, please. I'll do anything for you if you do this for me. Just, please," he takes another step closer to her.

"Ok. Fine. What do I do?" She locks eyes with him.

"I need you to go upstairs in my room and lie on my bed," he breaks their eye contact.

"What?" She gives him a confused look.

"Insurance. So you don't pass out and fall or something. If we do this, I don't want anything to happen to you," they lock eyes again.

"Ok. Yeah," she gives him a faint smile.

"Awesome," he smiles back.

"Let's get this over with," Ren sighs then walks around him and goes up to his room with him shortly following.

Once they reach his room, Ren walks over and lies on his bed on her back. Takeshi walks over and crawls on top of her, his hands above both of her shoulders.

"Ready?" He sighs.

"Can we, not, get straight to it?" She responds nervously.

"What?" They lock eyes awkwardly.

"It just, makes me really nervous," she sighs.

"What do you want me to do?" Takeshi asks uncertainly.

"I don't know," her voice shakes.

"Me neither," Takeshi looks away.

"Maybe, kiss?" Ren mutters.

"Ok?" He leans closer and their lips meet. Both of them close their eyes, each falling deeper into the kisses. Takeshi moves to kiss her neck, causing her to let out a small moan. He slowly opens his mouth then allows his vampire fangs to sneak into her skin, causing her to let out a small whimper. After a few small drinks of her blood, he begins to kiss her neck again.

"Takeshi," her arms wrap around his chest as they lock eyes again.

"It's done," he sighs.

"This isn't," she moves her hand to the back of his head and pulls him close until their lips meet. They both sink into the embrace of each other with every fresh kiss they share.

"Ren, we can't," he mutters, slightly pulling away.

"We can," they lock eyes.

"You don't want to. You'll regret it," he looks away.

"I want this. I want us," her hand carefully grabs the collar of his shirt.

"Ok," he leans in and they kiss again. After a few minutes of making out, they lay next to each other on the bed, Takeshi fast asleep.