

Friday passes quietly as Maiman, May, and Eclipse were all helping Ember with something and Ren was in her hospital room resting. Takeshi stands in front of the window in his hospital room, staring out at the landscape below. His body is leaned slightly against the wall as he stands there, quietly thinking. He slowly raises one of his hands to be in front of him before he stares at his hand. A small, light blue bolt of electricity starts to emerge from the palm of his hand. It splits into smaller branches like a tree as it grows to be nearly half a foot tall. Takeshi stares at the electricity quietly before the sound of the door handle turning startles him. He quickly closes his hand and the electricity goes away as the door creaks open.

"Takeshi?" Ren peeks her head into the room through the crack.

"Yeah?" He looks out of the window again.

"I was just seeing if you were in here… can I come in?" She asks.

"Yeah, of course," Takeshi replies. Ren walks into the room, cracking the door behind her.

"Are you ok?" She walks over to the bed and stands near it, studying him as he looks outside.

"I'm ok, you?" He doesn't turn to face her.

"I'm ok… I… I've been thinking…" Ren pauses.

"About?" He asks in response.

"Well… if you still need energy… I can give you some," Ren lets a small sigh escape her lips.

"It's ok Ren. Maiman gave me some," Takeshi watches a bird fly that flies past the window.

"Oh… ok… do you need any more?" She bites her lip as she studies him.

"No, it's ok. I'm fine," he responds, his voice slightly distant and almost emotionless.

"Takeshi? What's wrong?" She starts to walk around the bed to him but stops when she notices his arms. The veins in his arms are still black but now there's small streaks of gold pulsing through them.

"I'm just tired," he doesn't look at her.

"Well then what's going on between you and Eclipse? She's seems like she's been a bit down recently, or, bothered," Ren studies him, especially focusing on his veins. As she mentions Eclipse, the golden streaks begin to appear faster and more frequently.

"I don't know," the streaks stop for a second as he speaks but they return when he finishes talking.

"Ok well that was an obvious lie," Ren slightly laughs.

"What're you talking about?" Takeshi asks.

"You just lied about knowing what's wrong with Eclipse. What's going on Takeshi? You can talk to me," Ren takes a small step towards him.

"She wants something that I can't give her," he sighs after a few seconds of silence.

"Which is?" She watches as he shifts his weight.

"I don't want to talk about this," Takeshi looks at her before turning and slowly walking back over to the bed and sitting down on the side of the bed.

"Takeshi. You can talk to me. What is it that you say you can't give her?" Ren walks over and sits next to him.

"Ren..." he pauses.

"Love. It's love. I can't love her