Swift's And Penny's wedding

Swift And Penny

Swift And Penny decided to  except their feelings so speedy and Bea have the birds and bees tock with theme they put theme in a another room Swift And Penny shire it that night penny took swift to the room and removed his clothes and he removed hir clothes theme swift put his dick in her pussy slow then she said go all the away in so he did and popped her chary and she started to bleed but said go faster and he did then he came in said of her pussy then they went to bed the next bay Brody and rode asked swift if he did it with penny and he said yes and it was great to swift asked speedy and Bea if they could help him with a surprise for penny they said yes so swift told them that he wonted them to put his and Penny's beads together they said OK swift said he was taking penny to go camping for 2 days when they left speedy and bea asked rode and Brody if they could help them they said yes they all started on their task 2 days later swift told penny to stay here and he went to check on his surprise it was done so he told penny to cover her eye's she did then swift took her to their room then told her to open her eyes she did and saw that they had one bead instead of 2 she hugged swift and said so this is way you took me camping he said yes then she hugged him then swift said this is not it then he took her to go eat when they got their he ordred some kelp icers when it got their penny took the cover off and saw a ring in their swift smield then he took it got on one knee then said penny will you marry me then penny said yes I will marry you then they eat and went back to headquarters penny said do you know what swift did everyone said no then penny showed theme her new ring Swift asked if I would marry him and I said yes they all were happy they all went to bead the next day penny asked Brody if he could take her to his house he said yes whence their penny asked his sister if she wonted to be her made of oner she said yes then she told her parents that she is the made of oner at Swift's and Penny's wedding then penny and Brody went back to headquarters then got swift and called her parents and penny said that swift perposed to her Penny's parents said congrats to them and asked when the wedding is they said in a month then they called swifts parents and told them that him and penny are getting marryed they asked when they said in a month then rode called his parents and told them to be at headquarters in a month then swift and penny told them that they wonted them at their wedding they said OK then swift asked Brody and rode and speedy to be his best men they said yes then penny asked if Bea wonted to be a briedsmad and she said yes then penny went and asked if teno wonts to be a briedsmad in her and swifts wedding she said yes then swift and penny went to ask if the comadoor could marry them in a month he said yes he could.

2 days before the wedding they all seat up for the wedding 1 day before the wedding swift got up before everyonels and made shir that everyone in town would be at the wedding they all said yes the day of the wedding swift got up early so he could make one more surprise for penny when penny woke up she saw that swift wasn't in bead so she went to find him she saw the surprise and hugged him he said that she would have to be surprised when he un vales it at the wedding she said yes then everyone showed up and the wedding started the comadoor started the wedding he asked swift do you take penny as your wife he said I do then he ask penny do you take swift as your husband she said I do then the comadoor said you may now kiss the buried the kissed then swift pulled a string and unvaled the surprise everyone was surprised penny hugged and kissed him then swift said their is one more surprise everyone went outside and saw some writing in the sky penny said it was great and kissed him then they cut the cake and the wedding was over they opened all the gifts then took swifts jet to go on a hunnymoon 3 months later penny was pregnant  2 months later she gave berth to a girl named Ruby