
The Eden

"So you are the person who has created such a vast disaster here in whole of grin town " well yes it was me the person who personified the real meaning of death and life isn't it Mr James that's what they call you or is Hell-Bound or shall I now call you the person who stole the apple and has consumed it and will become the pinical reason for the death of more millions just as the prophecy says isn't it .

I look at this man in his old age he looked more confident and by his looks anyone can say he needs a wheelchair and now he's here ready to fight me ,What is he ?

Hi , I am James just like any teenage I used to live in this world of decay and conflict little I knew I will be the one saving it , When I came to age 10 I was told the power of an apple which rose disobedience in humans which lead to the salvation of humans , But God's got petty on humans and led the snake catch its own tail and offered some best humans a deal that the god will gift them an map to immorality to seek it a human must consume the apple but a seeker will come the rightfully person holding it and ready to consume it when the north stars hide in far south . A Riddle led by God's from more thousands years , yes it might look like a tale your grandma used to say but little I knew I will be living this tail , I James the 7 generation and right full protector of Eden welcome you to this world of mine and let's explore the journey into depths of the cruelty of world and society but normality of humans

